Hi Maegan,
From the sounds of your situation though, it may just be that all of your records are still running through the process and the best next step would just be to refresh your browser in an hour or so to see if the numbers go up.
If the numbers stay pretty static though, I would look for the records who are missing.
Keep in mind that segments work in a waterfall, and records can only be members of one at at time. Records in segment 3 can be members of 4+, but not 1 & 2.
(to view the order go to Edit Segments - you can also name the segments with their order number to make it easier)

If you want that as a report.
Start by creating a Lead Performance report with a Smart List that has the exact filters as the very first segment in your segmentation. Then group the report by the Segmentation in question. Finally clone the report for each subsiquent segment.
You will then have reports for each segment and see how many records in total qualify for each segment and which ones they currently reside in.