Event Registration Cap using tokens

Level 3

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

Looks like you accidentally commented out all  the code. Make sure all line breaks are preserved, otherwise the whole inner text gets commented out by the old-school // <![CDATA[ wrapper. (By the way, if you‘re manually adding that wrapper, you emphatically do not need it.)


2022-08-19 17_51_04-https___merakiresources.cisco.com_SFIDProgramTemplateTest_RegistrationPage.html .png


Level 3

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

So should I just take out the <![CDATA[ part so it looks like this?

<script>// function processRegCount(current){ var cnt = current.count; var remain = {{my.Max Count}} - cnt; remain = remain.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); console.log('Current Key Count: ' + cnt); if (cnt < {{my.Max Count}}) { document.getElementById('remaining').innerHTML = remain + " spots remaining!"; } else { // do this if limit is reached document.location.href = '{{my.Sorry Page}}'; } } // ]]><script src="https://api.teknkl.com/fbcounter_v1/counter/count/event/program/{{program.id}}?public-api-key=pub:3o..."></script>


I am putting it in our template that has a footerJS section... is that right? Or should this be placed somewhere else?Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 8.28.02 AM.png

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

You can’t just use a mktoString for this — it should be hard-coded in the template or in an editable mktoText area.

Level 3

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

For some reason an mktoText area breaks the code and adds the CDATA part along with other unnecessary stuff around it. I had a teammate put it in the code, but for some reason it also didn't work. But when I tested it on a blank template and dragged an HTML element onto the page with form, everything worked. Any ideas on how to get it not to break?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

The CDATA wrapper itself isn't a problem, it’s just old-fashioned. It's when all line breaks are removed (as with a mktoString) that the CDATA becomes a fatal problem.


This is fine and will still execute:

<script>// <![CDATA[
  function blahBlah(){
// ]]></script>


This is broken:

<script>// <![CDATA[  function blahBlah(){  }// ]]></script>


Level 3

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

Should it work in the custom head html?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

Yes and no.


The code will definitely run in the head. But it expects a certain element to be in the DOM already, which it can’t be as the body hasn’t been rendered.


You can wrap the DOM update in DOMContentLoaded:

function processRegCount(current){
  var cnt = current.count;
  var remain = {{my.Max Count}} - cnt;
  remain = remain.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
  console.log('Current Key Count: ' + cnt);
  if (cnt < {{my.Max Count}}) {
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e){
      document.getElementById('remaining').innerHTML = remain + " spots remaining!";
  } else {
    // do this if limit is reached
    document.location.href = '{{my.Sorry Page}}';
<script src="https://api.teknkl.com/fbcounter_v1/counter/event/program/{{program.id}}?public-api-key=pub:3oozcavs7fqwvk92bd974zse&cb=processRegCount"></script>


Level 1

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

@SanfordWhiteman if our webhook is now https://api.teknkl.com/flowboost/v21/run?authoringEnv=pro which is an upgrade from v19 - which earlier in this thread we were running, would we need a different URL to call the v21 engine via the script src=call used in the Landing Page?  I'm now seeing the error Uncaught ReferenceError: processRegCount is not defined in the console of the pages the script is running on.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Event Registration Cap using tokens

Nope, nothing needs to be changed on the client if you use the new version. Same structure for all counters.