Error when trying to approve email? Native Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Level 6

Error when trying to approve email? Native Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction



Our Marketing team is experiencing a host of different issues today, including slowness in approving emails, weird errors and the like.


I am creating a support ticket right now but wanted to see if anyone could help with one error message in particular.

When trying to approve an email, I am getting this error below:


Error approving 01 AK Weekly Send.60 20211229 AK Weekly — Unable to execute INSERT statement. [wrapped: Could not execute update [Native Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction] [User Info: INSERT INTO token_use (APP_COMP_TYPE_ID,COMPONENT_ID,AREA,SEQ_NUM,TOKEN_DOMAIN,TOKEN_KEY,CREATED_AT,UPDATED_AT) VALUES (14,132746,'1',0,'Lead','Brand Favicon','2021-12-28 16:08:25','2021-12-28 16:08:25')]]


Does anyone know what this means?


Thank you,



Level 6

Re: Error when trying to approve email? Native Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Hello @Guitarrista82 ,


Those are column headers from a Table it is trying to save to. Nothing you can do with those except give to support.

It looks like the lock time out exceeded.  Marketo will give a max time for an asset to approve, then purposefully fail if exceeded.


Can you clone asset and approve that and work with that?

* Sometimes this helps, and it lets Marketo support investigate the bug.


Have support try to approve asset, throw a purposeful error right after, and download log files and give to Tier 3.
They should be able to read through the log file to see where the error is exactly.




Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Error when trying to approve email? Native Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Marketo will give a max time for an asset to approve, then purposefully fail if exceeded.

(In this case it’s a MySQL timeout, so it’s not exactly purposeful, yeah? That is, the client is bubbling up the database timeout as opposed to enforcing its own timeout.)