Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

Level 3

Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

I've outlined the structure of our Nurture program with three streams, each containing three emails, totaling nine emails. I've considered two scenarios:


1) Leads, regardless of their engagement, become eligible to progress to the next stream upon receiving all three emails in a stream. What are your thoughts on this approach, and do you have any suggestions for optimizing this progression strategy?

2) In the case where a lead receives all three emails without demonstrating engagement, I plan to send personalized emails to understand their interests better. How can we enhance these customized emails to effectively uncover their needs and provide a more tailored experience?


I'm open to any ideas or insights you may have on refining these strategies.

Karthcik R
Level 7 - Community Advisor

Re: Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

Hi Karthick77,

Nurture programs is a tool most suited to build relationship with your leads & drive them towards the bottom of the Sales cycle.

A nurture program is best utilized when you understand your leads requirements as they progress through the streams.


To your below scenario 1 I never recommend this to my clients as this way you will never be able to understand what your customers want & it will the waste of time & efforts creating contents for your 1st stream. 

All your leads must have performed some action based on which you will be assigning to Stream 1, so its always better to start & create your content in line with the behavioral pattern of your leads. 

I will suggest you:

  • To create segmented Nurture program based on your leads demographics, behavior, or interests. Tailor your email content to address the specific needs and pain points of each segment.
  • For you stream 1 - Create emails for sending a warm welcome when someone subscribes. Follow up with a series of emails introducing your brand, values, and key offerings. Encourage engagement by including a call-to-action (CTA) in each email.
  • Use progressive profiling Collect more information about your leads with every new email cycle & their interaction with your content.
  • Use social media ads to anchorage leads to perform action on your content.

Transit them to the next stream only once you have sufficient data about your leads this will also help you in Personalization if they do not interact with your content of stream 1.


Once you transition your leads you next stream, send the more sales oriented content like

  • Event Invitations invite leads to webinars, workshops, or events related to their interests. Highlight the benefits of attending and provide easy registration options.

  • Send limited time offers to attract leads to perform sales action.

I will suggest you to design your nurture program keep your leads interest in focus.




Level 3

Re: Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

Thank you so much for your valuable insights and suggestions!

Karthcik R
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

Agreed that it would defeat the purpose to let people flow through to the next stream even if they didn't show the associated behaviour. The whole point of nurturing is to guide them to that next step and if they don't take the step, they shouldn't get the associated content for that next phase.

I always recommend to even pause a person in a stream if they do not engage with the content. Once they start showing general interest in your brand again you can let them continue in the nurture stream again. No point in burning up your content on someone who is entirely unengaged.

Level 3

Re: Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

"Agree about pausing leads in the nurture stream for better targeting. I'm curious about other effective strategies you've used. If you have any tips on integrating new approaches into our plan, I'd love to hear them. Let's make our 'pause and resume' strategy even better! Thanks for your thoughts!"

Karthcik R
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

I think you've got a good starting point for your nurture program! However, here are some thoughts and suggestions for optimizing your progression strategy and personalized emails:


Progression Strategy:

Scenario 1: Automatically moving leads to the next stream, regardless of engagement, might lead to some getting irrelevant content that doesn't resonate with them as stated earlier.


Here are some optimization suggestions:

  • Track engagement: Monitor open rates, click-throughs, and form fills via CTAs in emails to understand which leads are engaged.
  • Progressive engagement gates: Based on engagement levels, you can offer early access to the next stream to highly engaged leads, while prompting less engaged leads to take specific actions (e.g., downloading a white paper) to unlock it.
  • Dynamic segmentation: Based on engagement and behavior, automatically move leads to different nurture streams with content tailored to their needs.

Scenario 2: Sending personalized emails is a great step towards understanding disengaged leads.

Here are some ways to enhance them:

  • Use lead behavior data: Personalize the email content based on their website visits, downloads, or previous email interactions.
  • Ask targeted questions: Tailor questions to their specific interests and challenges, offering different options based on their potential fit with your product/service.
  • Offer incentives: Encourage engagement by providing exclusive content, discounts, or personalized consultations in exchange for their insights.
  • Include CTAs: Make it easy for them to take the next step by offering clear and relevant calls to action.

Additional suggestions:

  • Combine both scenarios: You can utilize a hybrid approach where automatic progression is combined with engagement-based segmentation and personalized emails for disengaged leads. 
  • Test and iterate: Continuously analyze data and conduct A/B testing to identify what works best for your audience and optimize your nurture program over time.

Remember, the key to a successful Nurture program is delivering relevant and valuable content based on individual needs and interests. I hope this information helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

Level 3

Re: Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

Thank you for your insightful input! I eagerly anticipate incorporating your suggestions to enhance the nurture program's effectiveness.

Karthcik R
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Enhancing Our Nurture Program Strategies

You’re very welcome, @Karthick77! Let us know if you have questions, and yes, how it goes as well!