Hello all,
I filed a ticket with Support recently, because we saw a discrepancy between the number of clicks in an email performance report vs. in a Smart List with a "Has Clicked Email" filter on the same email. And here's what Support said:
"The reason you're seeing this behavior is because Email reports stop collecting data after 48 hours after the send. So this means if someone was sent the email and they opened it 3 days later, even though this will show up in the lead activity it will not be collected into the report in Marketo."
Is that true? I asked for documentation on that statement, and so far they haven't come back to me.
Maybe one is filtering out email security click activity? That is a new feature that could be affecting the counts.
Hi Michael,
If it is true, it is a change that was made recently. In previous email performance reports I could still see the numbers changing slightly even weeks after the email send. Will keep an eye out for this particular behaviour to see if I can confirm it.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Kelly Jo and Katja!
I sent a little test to two addresses, clicked the first 3 days after the second 2 weeks after the send, and both clicks are counted in the Email Performance Report - as they should! So I have to conclude that Support's response does not mirror reality in its totality. 🙂
I'll keep on digging.
Hi Michael,
I would actually let Support know. Not to play the smarty pants, but to ensure they also keep learning and improve their response the next time.
Oh yes, certainly. I did that already.
(And I like to think that I never ever play the smarty pants 🙂)