It appears that in the way our scoring model is set up, there are no constraints on email clicks. We've had a few leads click the same link in an email 8-10 times within a span of 3-4 minutes, resulting in them being scored too high. What is the best practice for limiting the maximum number of email clicks for scoring purposes? Thanks.
There's a few things you can consider here:
I very much agree with Katja that scoring based on program status changes is a good idea. Which of course means that you have to run a Smart Campaign that advances program status based on clicks.
I'd like to add that "Link ID" is very useful for this. Tag scoreable links in your emails with specific IDs, so you can react on these clicks in your scoring program:
Thank you, sounds interesting. Is there any product doumenatation for this that you can share? Thanks
- Bot activity is set to false
- Will look into this
- These are clicks on email sends. I'm not sure what you mean by managing the smart campaign run only once per hour or similar.
You have a smart campaign that has a trigger for clicks link in email that applies the score, correct?
In the Schedule tab of that smart campaign you can set restrictions on how ofter a person can go through that flow, for instance once an hour. So even if they click on a link five times in a few minutes, they would only be scored once and the other four would be ignored.