Drop down titles within email template variables

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Level 7

Drop down titles within email template variables

Our email template uses a number of drop down menus - which are super helpful - however, a HEX code doesn't really mean much to a number of users. I haven't really spotted anything that allows me to have a displayed value (e.g. Orange) that, when selected, applies the relevant stored variable when selected (e.g. #F3632D).

So, my question is - is it possible to set up display/store picklist values within the variables section on a module, and if so, how can it be done?

Screen Shot 2019-09-09 at 10.17.52 AM.png


Accepted Solutions
Level 10

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

Hey Josh,

I think there's an "idea" going for this already somewhere, I remember it coming up a few times after they released EM 2.0 a while back. 

As Jay pointed out, you could use "words" (as classes) instead of the hex-value, but that really limits the functionality of your template b/c there are some email clients that won't respect classes written into your <style> element -- so this'll lead to some emails coming thru with default colors (they'll probably inherit the colors from their parent element). 

One thing that we setup to kinda of work around this is a "color palette" module that you can drag into the template as a reference while you're building and then remove it once you're ready to ship your email. This helps to visually match the hex-codes with the colors so it's a little easier to get familiar with them. Here's an example of one of those modules from a recent project:


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Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

@sreeja01 ,

I have a revised solution that works well.  It also resolves the issue that some email clients don't like comments in the CSS.

Define your various brand colours like so:

<meta class="mktoString" id="Lt Blue" mktoname="Lt Blue" default="#8CB9E9" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Md Blue" mktoname="Md Blue" default="#0AB2BF" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Dk Blue" mktoname="Dk Blue" default="#001E6D" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Lt Gray" mktoname="Lt Gray" default="#E6E7E8" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Div Gray" mktoname="Div Gray" default="#979797" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Md Gray" mktoname="Md Gray" default="#939598" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Dk Gray" mktoname="Dk Gray" default="#4D4D4F" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Lt Green" mktoname="Lt Green" default="#108A12" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Md Green" mktoname="Md Green" default="#005902" mktomodulescope="true" /> 
    <meta class="mktoString" id="Dk Green" mktoname="Dk Green" default="#002300" mktomodulescope="true" /> 

Then have a list that references the Marketo variable names like so:

<meta class="mktoList" mktomodulescope="true" id="mktoMyFontColor" mktoname="Font Color" values=" ${Lt Gray},${Md Gray},${Dk Gray},${Lt Green},${Md Green},${Dk Green}" default="${Lt Green}" /> 

You'll see I didn't use ALL the brand colours in my list.  You make your list contain the colours that are relevant to a given context within the template.

You can see this is using a form of abstraction.  It doesn't work outside the Marketo modules (it used to, but Marketo changed something recently), as it requires Marketo to process everything twice (firstly it swaps out ${mktoMyFontColour} for which every colour you chose e.g. ${Md Green}, and then swaps out the ${Md Green} for the actual HTML colour code.  So, you can't use it for setting a global background colour for example (but that can still be handled by handling background colour at a module level)




View solution in original post

Level 10

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

One idea is to use the picklist for classes instead of the inline colours, obviously you might run into compatibility issues.

<html><head><meta class="mktoList" id="bgColour" mktoName="Colour for Background" default="White" values="White,Grey,Blue" mktoModuleScope="true"/><style>.White { background-color:#ffffff; }.Grey { background-color:#f6f5f4; }.Blue { background-color:#007acd; }</style></head><body class="${bgColour}"></body></html>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
Level 10

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

Hey Josh,

I think there's an "idea" going for this already somewhere, I remember it coming up a few times after they released EM 2.0 a while back. 

As Jay pointed out, you could use "words" (as classes) instead of the hex-value, but that really limits the functionality of your template b/c there are some email clients that won't respect classes written into your <style> element -- so this'll lead to some emails coming thru with default colors (they'll probably inherit the colors from their parent element). 

One thing that we setup to kinda of work around this is a "color palette" module that you can drag into the template as a reference while you're building and then remove it once you're ready to ship your email. This helps to visually match the hex-codes with the colors so it's a little easier to get familiar with them. Here's an example of one of those modules from a recent project:


Level 7

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

Thanks for your insight Jay Jiang‌ and Dave Roberts‌. 

I think for now the template module palette is a good measure to make things a bit easier for our users. Thanks again!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

Hey guys, there's a super-obscure way to actually mark up the dropdown in the way Josh was asking about. Though I think Dave's answer is more correct in terms of not-insane, I'll throw it up on the blog at some point.

Level 10

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

I'd love to see how this works Sanford, thanks for ear-marking this for the blog - I look forward to it!

Level 1

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

Sanford, I looked at your blog and didn't see anything about this, would be very interested to see how to do this.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

Still hasn’t pubbed, too many other drafts in the way.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables

I'd love to see this as well.  I'm in exactly the same boat.


It would be great if Marketo supported the fairly common notion of a display value (blue) and a data value (the on brand hex code for your company's special shade of blue).

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Drop down titles within email template variables


I dreamed up a solution that is hacky but is pretty universal.

in my use case, I have created a global variable

<meta class="mktoList" id="ButtonStyle" mktoName="Button Style" default="/*Gold-Button*/ border-color:#A18458; background-color:#ffffff; color:#A18458; text-decoration:none;" values="/*Gold-Button*/ border-color:#A18458; background-color:#ffffff; color:#A18458; text-decoration:none;, /*Blue-Button*/ border-color:#2d3871; background-color:#2d3871; color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none;" mktoModuleScope="false"/>

The key here is to prefix the CSS stuff with a CSS comment which gives a human readable selector in the list box.

then as needed put in the variable swapout into your template code

<tr style="${ButtonStyle} line-height:23px; font-family:${TextFontFamily}; font-size: 15pt; mso-line-height-rule: exactly; ">

Because it is inline CSS it is pretty universal for compatibility.

Because it starts with the comment, Drop Down example


It is pretty user friendly.  So, not a perfect solution, but possibly as good as can be gotten right now?


