Do operational emails count towards communication limits?

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Do operational emails count towards communication limits?

If a lead receives an operational email today, would that prevent them from later receiving a non-operational email the same day? Communication limits state that only 1 email can be sent a day. I understand that operational emails bypass the communication limit, but what about counting against it?

Level 10

Re: Do operational emails count towards communication limits?

Hi John, yes, this does count towards the total. Here's a good thread about communication limits and operational emails: How Do Communication Limits Work?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Do operational emails count towards communication limits?

Wait, my understanding from the doc is that operational emails do not count toward the daily limits.

Level 10

Re: Do operational emails count towards communication limits?

  1. What emails count towards communication limits?

Almost all emails, even operational emails are counted against communication limits. Here’s an idea in the community to exclude operational emails from communication limits. A couple notable exceptions:

Level 10

Re: Do operational emails count towards communication limits?

Hi Josh,

My understanding is that operational email do increment the number of emails a lead has received, but if that lead is above the limit and is sent another operational email, this email will be sent.

In other words, Operational emails count against the limit to reach the limit, but having reached the limit does not prevent sending operational emails


Re: Do operational emails count towards communication limits?


Is this still true now in 2019 or have they changed this?

Level 10

Re: Do operational emails count towards communication limits?

Still true.

Whatever you set up in your Communication Limits, each individual Smart Campaign's Qualification Rules matter.

2019-11-25 13_56_37-Window.jpg

If you check this box, communication limits will be respected for non-operational emails. Which also means: You cannot apply communication limits to operational emails.

If you don't check this box - and by default the box is not checked - communication limits will be disregarded entirely.

Level 3

Re: Do operational emails count towards communication limits?