Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

We have set up a form on our website for the sales team to unsubscribe individuals that have verbally asked to be removed from any email messaging. What we are finding though is when they enter in the email and submit that they are cookied with that email address and start to receive alerts for their activity on our webiste. The form we have is currently an embedded form. Has anyone figured out a way to disable the cook tracking on an embeded form, I understand how to do it with a marketo landing page.
Richard Wasylynchuk
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Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

Are there a lot of tracking campaigns? Wouldn't it be pretty easy to just suppress leads who have filled out that form?
Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

The problem is that a sales rep submits that form, they then get cookies for the prospect email address. Then if they come back to the website they then get alerts that that prospect has been visiting our website because his computer has the tracking cooking activated for that prospect. It's writing false information over to the record in SFDC.
Richard Wasylynchuk
Level 3

Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

Can't you block tracking for the IP addresses of the sales team computers. I am new to Marketo, but in Act-on this was a standard feature so I would hope the ability to block internal IP addresses from being tracked would be a Marketo feature.
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Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

I see. Have you considered using the Request Campaign feature in SFDC to do the unsubscribe rather than a Marketo form?
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Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

@Jamie, we don't have that feature currently, but I think there is an idea on the community if it's something you're interesting in us building.
Level 3

Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

Thanks Erik - I found it and voted for the feature. In the thread there was also this which may help the OP:

"Thought I'd mention the workaround for this while I'm here.
Set up a smartlist for Employees by email domain, inferred ip, and whatever else you need to filter employees by, maybe even membership in a static list.
Use that smartlist in all other analytics and lists to exclude employees.
Posted By CraiGrrr Blackketter on 8/15/2012 10:28 AM"

Although this just blocks the analytics, I suppose you would still be getting email alerts?
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Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

Good question. The best workaround I can think of is to speed up the cookie expiration. So after the cookie is created, you can force it to immediately expire. Because the cookie is expired, the browser will automatically delete it. Not an elegant solution, but it will work.

I am working on an implementation of this. Then I will update this thread with the code you can use to do that. 
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Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

You could also use Javascript to clear out the Munchkin value in the hidden field on the form, but I suggested using Request Campaign so we could avoid dealing with custom Javascript.
Marketo Employee

Re: Disable cookie tracking on an embeded form

As Erik Said, this is fairly easy.  Apply thos script to your page:

MktoForms2.whenReady( function(form){
form.onSubmit( function(form){

This will clear the cookie value during submission.