in my email insights report, i have view that show that one email was sent 3x time more than leads in marketo. also it shows delivery 135% - does anyone know how that could be possible? or it's a kind of bug?
Hi Elizaveta,
Please move this to Products . Marketing Central is for generic marketing discussions. You will be more likely to get an answer in products.
Which part of the report are you evaluating? Is it the "total sent" box?
Do you mind sharing a screen shot?
Thank you.
It is in <Email Insigths> tab -
I dont had this number of contacts at that moment, also if you just create a smart list you don't get same numbers (I actually get a real number around 300 000 sent)
Please file a support ticket! Sounds like something went wrong.
This is another bug that i am facing - I can not submit tickets while i am admin and i already wrote it several times to support, so sorry i don't have other channel to solve my issue : (
I am logged in with my only one instance
Try writing at, if you have not done so, and ask them to set you up as a support admin as well.
nono, i have done it, probably not once already