Re: Customize Unsubscribe Link by brand?

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Customize Unsubscribe Link by brand?

Our organization has multiple divisions that are branded separately, however we currently only have one global unsubscribe link for all divisions (with the main brand). Does anyone have any insight on ways to customize the global unsubscribe link to:

a. Send users to an appropriately branded unsubscribe landing page

b. Not change each email to operational 

If you have multiple brands within the same instance of Marketo, how do you deal with unsubscribes?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Customize Unsubscribe Link by brand?

I believe there are earlier threads on this, however, I'm not sure they all came through. Try searching for "subscription management"

It depends:

  • Workspaces - if you use this solution by Brand, then it is easy to setup a separate page and have all the WS emails point there. Just make sure you remove the Admin > Email unsubscribe text.
  • No Workspaces - Email Templates are separated by Brand as are Unsub Pages. Be careful with your naming scheme so people know which ones to use.
  • No Workspaces - just point everyone to one giant page.
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Re: Customize Unsubscribe Link by brand?

Thanks, Josh. Do you know of any good articles that explain workspaces and how to use them? Also, when you say use email templates separated by brand, how does that customize the unsub link if the main admin goes to a single url?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Customize Unsubscribe Link by brand?

What Josh said, plus also consider a single segmented Landing Page using a synthetic segment like "Brand."

Then access the same landing page like

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Customize Unsubscribe Link by brand?

Kathleen Oliver

Given that with different brands you probably also have different branded templates, probably the easiest thing to turn off the default unsubscribe link and insert a custom unsubscribe link to a different page for each brand in your templates as Josh mentioned.