Custom Activity Field Types - Missing Options?

Level 7

Custom Activity Field Types - Missing Options?

Hello my lovely Community!


I'm currently setting up some Custom Activities for the first time (I love an opportunity to learn something new in Marketo!) and one of the fields I need to add on several of the activities is a URL capture.


There is no URL field type in the options:



Of course, I dived right into the Community to check out what I could use as an alternative and came across this post where @Darshil_Shah1 notes that a URL field is best for storing information that is ONLY a URL and @SanfordWhiteman noted that a Textarea field would be better for entire URLs because URL fields are limited to 255 characters.


However, there's no Textarea field either so my only option appears to be a String field (which also has a limit of 255 characters). I also checked the Custom Field Type Glossary and Field Types where there are a lot more fields defined than there are available for Custom Activity fields - are options intentionally limited here or am I missing something (literally)? 


As always, appreciate Community help 😀


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Custom Activity Field Types - Missing Options?

You're stuck unless you use multiple fields, like one for the host+path and another for the query string.

Another recommendation if your URLs contain a lot of encoded characters (i.e. any non-ASCII) is to store the *decoded* form, which takes up fewer code units. For example, "%C3%A9” takes 6 units of 255 while the unencoded "é" takes only 1.