CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Not applicable

CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?


Can you please assist with a basic list import i'm trying to run.  For some reason I keep getting the error below ''Import Failed - Due to unclosed quotation.'' 




Level 10

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Hi Marianne,

Is you file a CSV? Is it encoded in UTF8? Before generating it, have you removed all commas and " ?


Marketo Employee

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

I would bet that one of your column names has a line break in it somewhere.  Try removing this and reimporting.

Level 7

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

I was having this same problem, but this solved it! Thanks Kenny Elkington​!

Not applicable

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Hi Gregoire & Kenny,

Yes it is a CSV file and I have imported lists into Marketo before without any issues.  I have  removed all the visible '' "  with the 'Ctrl F' function and have removed all line breaks but it still wont import. 

It is extremely bizarre.

Level 10

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Hi again Marianne,

Are you sure you do not have a comma in a text (quotation enclosed) field?


Level 4

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

were you able to resolve this? i am having the same issue

Marketo Employee

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Do you have any carriage returns/line breaks in any of your column headers?

Level 4

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

The solution:

I was having exactly the same issue over and over again.

To remove the error and be able to upload the file, make sure that you don't have any ,commas, "quotation marks" or even /slashes/ within your cells in excel (any separator marks). If you do, just CTR+F and Replace all with no value.

I also remove all hidden formatting just in case. But removing separators always works for me now!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

But that's not an acceptable workaround, as those are totally valid values (for example, "Company Name, Inc." is the correct way to store that value).  Quotation marks are often used to indicate inches, as well as for nicknames.

All of these delimiters are supported if properly escaped; there's even an official internet standard for CSVs!  Using a dedicated CSV editor like Ron's Editor (one of my favorite apps) insread of Excel avoids all such issues.