Date Tokens and Advanced Thank You Pages Questions

Level 1

Date Tokens and Advanced Thank You Pages Questions

Hi Marketo Community, in preparation for the MCE exam, I am having trouble finding answers to the following scenario-based example questions. Can anyone help me with these?


1. Which token types can be used to insert a date into an email? (Choose four)

a. Rich Text; b. Date; c. Calendar File; d. Number; e. Text; f. Score


2. Which form option is needed to use advanced thank you pages? (Choose two)

a. External URL; b. Form defined; c. None; d. Another available landing page

Level 10

Re: Date Tokens and Advanced Thank You Pages Questions

Hi @byronchelsea ,


Hopefully I get these right!


For 1, the answer would be rich text, date, calendar file, and text I would imagine. You can't use a number or score token to show a date, unless you had three tokens with numbers and used a "/" in between them. 


For 2, to be honest I'm a little confused. I'm sure it means the functionality where you click "Thank You Page", then "Advanced Thank You Page", and modify options based on a person's answers in the form. But I don't really know how that relates to the answers. You could use External URL or Landing Page as options based a person's submissions in the form, so I guess it's A and D, but the question isn't very clear. These aren't "form options that are needed", they are different pages you can send people to based on their submission.


Anyway, I hope that helps a little! It's not just you 🙂



Level 1

Re: Date Tokens and Advanced Thank You Pages Questions

This helps, thanks for your reply!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Date Tokens and Advanced Thank You Pages Questions

1. Which token types can be used to insert a date into an email? (Choose four)

a. Rich Text; b. Date; c. Calendar File; d. Number; e. Text; f. Score

Like Phil says, the intended answers given the context must be a,b,c,e.


But this is what’s so frustrating about exams that are looking for particular answers but not expressing the question well. Classifying a Calendar Token as a way to “insert a date into an email” is factually incorrect. The only way in which a Calendar Token itself puts a date “into“ an email is if you add a date to the subject or hyperlink. The dates inside an ICS file are not in the email. Rather, they’re in an external file — not an attachment — just as if you manually created an ICS file, hosted it on any old server, and linked to it from a Marketo email.


Because a Calendar Token doesn’t really insert a date into the email body, it’s no better at “inserting a date into an email” than using a series of Number tokens like {{my.year}} {{my-month}} {{}} (yyyy-M-d or M/d/yyyy format). I suppose you could say you need more than one Number token to do that. But it still can be done.


2. Which form option is needed to use advanced thank you pages? (Choose two)

a. External URL; b. Form defined; c. None; d. Another available landing page

Again echoing Phil, an impenetrable question to which there cannot be 2 truly correct answers.


I believe the intended answers are b and d, though.


“Form Defined” is a requirement because otherwise you’re bypassing the form descriptor, which is where the choices are defined.


“Another available landing page” implies an LP other than the LP hosting the form. It’s not actually necessary to have another LP in order to use Advanced Thank You: you can have 2 Advanced Thank You choices, each pointing to the same LP (2 External URLs with the same hostname + path but different query strings or hashes). But the expectation is probably 2 different pages.


“External URL” isn’t required.


“None” is just weird.

Level 1

Re: Date Tokens and Advanced Thank You Pages Questions

Thank you for this insight!