Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Level 4

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Thank Sanford for sharing - good to know.

However, I tried Ron's Editor, it is super not user friendly... feels like using Excel 8-10 years ago. Just my personal experience.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

tried Ron's Editor, it is super not user friendly... feels like using Excel 8-10 years ago. Just my personal experience.

Doesn't matter, it's infinitely better than Excel in every way with regard to CSVs. It's a best-of-breed product.

Level 4

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

I think it does depending on how often you are facing an issue of files not being uploaded to unclosed quotation. We experience it only once in a while and it wouldn't be a solution for us to switch to something that is so time consuming and non user friendly. However, it is a good alternative if you run into an issue.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Sure, just don't expect full CSV feature support if you don't use software that understands the format. Removing characters that are fully supported by CSVs, and by Marketo, doesn't make sense to me.

Level 1

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

Ron's Editor worked like a charm. User-friendly in my opinion, and fixed my import immediately. Appreciate the insight!!!

Level 1

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

I was getting this same error message. My header row (Row 1) was in wrap text and every time I "unwrapped it" then saved it, it would still be wrapped when I opened it back up. Try deleting the row and then adding in the row again by typing in the headers. Worked for me!

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Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

@everbridge ,

what tool were you using to edit your CSV file?  

I hate Excel as it does all kinds of weird things, and makes assumptions you can't readily override.  

If you want a nice tabular editor, Open Office Calc has far better import options (that, for example, don't muck up 'numbers' with leading zeros).

If you want a straight out editor, n++ is hard to beat.

Level 1

Re: CSV file list import into Marketo - Import Fail due to unclosed quotation - How do I fix?

I just want to say thank-you!