Re: Buttons Changing Color in Dynamic Content Issue

Level 2

Buttons Changing Color in Dynamic Content Issue

My company has had trouble with some of their buttons on emails when they attempt to use dynamic content. We use a third party vendor that creates modules for us to use in our email sends, but when we try and edit those templates to include dynamic content, they change to a different color.


Example: We want to have a button differentiate what it says between Customers (should say "Learn More") and Prospects ("Take a Tour"). The button itself has a yellow color with white lettering. We follow the correct steps to make this button dynamic. We preview the email and the button appears to look normal, but when we send it out to our prospects and customers, the lettering changes but the background changes to a blue color with black text.


By any chance has this happened to anyone else and would know a solution on how to fix it? Further, could this be a problem with the modules the third party vendor gave us rather than our Marketo program? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Buttons Changing Color in Dynamic Content Issue

You can add this right after the call to MktoForms2.loadForm, within the embed code, yes.

Level 2

Re: Buttons Changing Color in Dynamic Content Issue

Would you mind elaborating a little more on that please? I am not sure if I am following fully.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Buttons Changing Color in Dynamic Content Issue

Because I posted on the wrong thread. Sorry, too many threads open. 🙂

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Buttons Changing Color in Dynamic Content Issue

I would assume this is an issue with your vendor, go back to them and make them fix it 😀

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 10

Re: Buttons Changing Color in Dynamic Content Issue

I haven't seen something like this before when it's setup right, but I'd need to see the code you're using for this email to be sure (both in the default case and then in the dynamic content case to compare). Sounds like something is breaking with the buttons to render black-on-blue -- the default "link blue" would appear if it were simply failing to read the button styling. Buttons are kinda tricky to do right in Email and there's a ton of "cheap" solutions out there, so my hunch is that this has something to do with the way it's setup. I've seen these kind of really bold (blue, black, bright green, and pink) colors come thru when ${variables} are used inline in an editable area and/or are not translated from their variable syntax, for example, if you grab the variable-ized Marketo code and tried to pull it up locally to work on it outside of Marketo and those variables weren't getting substituted out.


I think Marketo EM 2.0 itself is different enough than "the other stuff out there" that you'll really want to work with someone who is familiar with Marketo to a degree that they understand things like Dynamic Content. Would it be possible for you to reach out to the vendor and ask them to evaluate the error here - maybe it's something they can learn from and build on for the future, but they might have the best insight into what's not working since they coded it up in the first place. 


Alternately, if you can post the code for you email to this thread folks in the community can help look thru it to troubleshoot anything that doesn't get resolved by the vendor.