My team discovered a strange behavior for the past few weeks. We are seeing leads that used to have an AP and somehow this was blanked.
It seems that the reason is that the lead has been removed from all the programs, but we cannot figure out why...
When I look on the activity details, I also see no reason:
Does anyone have an idea about this?
Hi William,
Is "Acquisition Program" on the Person record blank? The activity log you've shared is for a specific program. When a new name enters the system as a program member, Marketo automatically sets that program as "acquisition." This establishes credit for First-Touch attribution.
Understanding Program Membership - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation
Based on your screenshots, it appears the person was changed to "Not in Program". This could have happened through manual action or a smart campaign flow-step. While this applies to Engagement Programs, you can remove members from any type of program: Remove a Member from an Engagement Program - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation
Based on the activity log you're showing here, it looks like this person was removed from the SFDC campaign first. You'll need to figure out why that happened, because that would explain why the status was changed in the Marketo program. Have you looked at the activity details for that one?
Hi Anne, Hi Nick,
Thanks for replying.
Yes, Acquisition Program on the leads affected got their record blanked out. So, basically, they have been removed, plus blanked.
And when I look on the Activity Details on the SFDC removal, there is not so much details available.
Hope that helps!
Is there other activity happening prior to the SFDC campaign removal, around the same time?
No... last activity prior to this was 5 months before, and this was unrelated.
Instead of the activity details, can you post the activity history tab for the timeframe of the change? The individual details only show one step at a time.
Has there been any merging of records occurring? That could wipe the original information if the winning record didn't have a value there.
You're already correct in your findings. When you remove a record from the program it is acquired by, it no longer can be acquired by that program and all of that information will be blanked out.