Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

Level 2

Abandoned Cart Item display none


I'm using a custom object to create an abandoned cart email within the following
token by each item. 
{{my.Abandon Cart Item 1:default=}}

However, I can't hide (display:none) the token if there is no information. What is the best way to hide the tokens when are not populated? CSS, velocity script, some token default = something


I'll appreciate a lot your help 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

Well, you can add that logic in the velocity script that you're using to output the CO data itself. I'd worked on an abandoned cart email implementation in past where-in we triggered-off the email from Marketo upon addition of the CO record (we still added the conditions in velocity to ensure that the right data is present in the CO record as a fail-safe measure).


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

I'm using a custom object to create an abandoned cart email within the following
token by each item. 
{{my.Abandon Cart Item 1:default=}}

You can’t be using a Custom Object here, or you’d already need to be using Velocity to output it?


Do you mean you’re just populating fields with custom data?

Level 2

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

Yes, I'm getting the data through Magento by a custom object then I use the script to show the data in the email template. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

Your response isn’t clear, but again if you’re already using Velocity you have full control over what’s output from your code (and the :default= syntax doesn’t work with Velocity tokens, btw).


A Velocity {{my.token}} need not have any output at all. That’s the way we usually break up large VTL projects, where some tokens are included to do looping/sorting/filtering and other tokens do the output.

Level 2

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

Ok, let me explain myself better.  Yes, I should need to be using velocity to output it. And Yes, I populating fields with custom data. 

The process is the following:

1. Magento sends data to Marketo through a custom object called AbandonedCart.

2. I populate the email with a velocity script based on the custom object AbandonedCart using the fields such as Item Name 01 

This is working properly, so I need is hide the script {{my.Abandon Cart Item 1:default=}} when there is no information,  for instance, if the person just has 1 item instead of 5.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

You don’t need to “hide” the token. Just don’t output anything from the token if it doesn’t meet your criteria.


If you’re talking about suppressing output that’s current outside the token, i.e. static HTML output, then put that inside the token instead and conditionally output it.


Not sure what’s not clicking for you, but not outputting anything from a Velocity {{my.token}}... well, doesn’t output anything into the email.

Level 2

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

What do you mean with don't output? how can I do that?

Level 2

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

I got it. Thank you for giving me the idea. For the record I used this script:

#if ( !${abandonedCart_cList.get(0).itemName02})

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Abandoned Cart Item display none

You’re making the assumption that there’s only one CO record in the list, but Marketo cannot ensure that. It’s generally a bad idea to reference the first (0th) record in the list without sorting the list first.


Also, bear in mind that !<string property> is not going to capture an empty string. It will capture a null or missing string, or a Boolean false.