0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

Level 1

0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

Hi All, 


We have a problem with webinar registrations. We use Zoom and the tests we do before each session flow through all the steps as they should. The problem I'm facing is that for any prospect related webinar, we have 0 registrations. We even repurposed some webinars we did in the past that received a good number of registrations when we were on Hubspot, just as a test. The results were still negative. 

Our customer facing webinars do as expected. 

Our consultant couldn't find anything wrong with the program setup or integration as well. 

Has anyone had this problem in the past? Or does anyone have any suggestions on what I should test or look at? 


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

How do you process your registrations? Do you update the program status to Registered for people filling out the forms in Marketo? Zoom will not log any registrants until you update the program status to "Registered" in Marketo. Also, while creating the event in Zoom, you should be checking the “required” box to make registration required. You would then use a Marketo form/landing page to capture registration information that will be pushed to Zoom when the status is updated to Registered.


Also, when you say 0 registrations - do you see any registration form fill activity in Marketo or not for that event?


You may also check out this Using the Zoom for Marketo app guide to ensure that you follow the steps mentioned in there.


Level 1

Re: 0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

Thanks Darshil, 


I have followed the guide you linked to prior to setting up the Marketo programs. 

I'm using a Filled Out Form to process registrations. I have a specific webinar form that I use across all webinars, so my smart campaign is Filled Out Form is Webinar Form on specific LP for each webinar. And in the flow the first step is update the program status to Registered. 

If I create a smart list to look for page visits, I see people arriving to the page, but 0 registrations. Which seems odd considering, we tested this on one our most viewed webinars. 

Our customer success webinars work without any issues and my tests for the prospects webinars follow the program setup so I'm stumped. I hate to believe that no ones wants to hear us speak anymore. 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

That seems like the most probable case here, given that you're able to see your test records flowing through the Registration campaign, getting their status updated to "Registered", and eventually getting reflected on the Zoom platform after filling out the form.


Just to double-check, you don't see any form-fill activities on the registration web page, right?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: 0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

Just to double-check, you don't see any form-fill activities on the registration web page, right?

This is key. It’s not even a “Zoom Webinar” or “Registration” question if the form isn’t being filled out!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

Agreed! Thank you for mentioning that very clearly, Sandy!


If you're not getting any registrations, you should work on finding out why aren't people registering for your webinars. Maybe you need to update your webinar strategy, content, etc. in a way that'd appeal to your audience.


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 0 Registrations for a Zoom Webinar

Indeed. A few checks you can do to pinpoint where it is going wrong:

  • Assuming your registration page is a Marketo LP, run a LP performance report to see whether that shows conversions.
  • Check your smart campaign that processes registrations whether it has any members (the dumb question: I do assume the smart campaign was activated?)
  • Run a smart list to see whether you have any recent form fills on your webinar form.
  • If you do see form fills, check some activity logs to check their activity history. See what the exact url is the form fill is logged on, what happened around the same time.
  • If you don't see form fills run a test whether you can fill out the form yourself.