🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

I think this is based on business needs, resources and is agreed hand off of MQL to Sales is agreed upfront.

If the score is immediate request: Request a Demo,  Call Back, Contact me then a trigger.

If accumulative behaviour score above threshold, based on activity and demographics this can be daily or even weekly batch.

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

As other said Triggers can slow instance and processing creating campaign queues.

Some score values such as MQL need to be trigger to send a sales alert to Sales team and add to CRM campaign.

Demographic or firm/Compnay/Account score values can be weekly as Smart Campaigns.

Score values should be reviewed and updated along with Sales on a regular cadence.

I forgot to mention negative values such as undesirables ( Students & retried), competitors are excluded by segmentation.

Also clip or limit scoring such as anymore than 5 webpages per days received the same as %= visit whether 6 or 16 web page visits.

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Outline an operational procedure for lead routing multiple countries

CA: Assuming that the routing rule is only based on Country, I agree with @Zoe_Forman to use a Segmentation here to try to group the Country (by Region/Territory) and for easier maintenance in the future as well. To operationalize this, I'd propose a smart campaign with the following structure:

Smart List:

- Trigger: Segment Changes


- Change Owner: 

> Choice 1: If Region/Territory is North America then X

Choices will go based on the defined rules per Region


Identify how to manage a change to Lead Scoring for Behaviors within Marketo.

CA: I'd meet with Marketing and Sales to define activities and the score appropriate for it. Then from those activities, define which ones are good to score for a hot lead that has potential to be MQLs and then define which ones are for regular score update. After that, make sure to have a Behavior Score field to record the scores.


Then base on that, build several smart campaigns with the following structure:

- For activities defined for MQLs (filled out form on high value pages; online chats; scheduled demos: Build a trigger campaign

> Smart list: fills out form trigger with pages constraint (define high value pages)

> Flow: change score (+20)


- For regular activities: build batch campaigns


For all these, I'd do the usual scaling things like adding score values in a token and then use that token in each flow. I'd also propose to add all these scoring campaigns inside one program.


Then lastly, I'd make sure that we have a score decay in place for inactivities.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Reporting and the Success Path Analyzer.



This is one of the original functions of Marketo and what got me excited to buy! Before the next quiz, look closely at the Reporting documentation as well as the RCM requirements to run it properly. Remember:

  1. Revenue Cycle Model Design
  2. RCM Build Out >> requires lifecycle smart campaigns to move people in/out of stages
  3. Success Path Analyzer, Program Analyzer, and RCE will only show data after the prequisites.


Post screenshots of RCMs you built! (Sandbox safe!)

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Let's talk about RCM/RCE.


Key Topics that usually are on the exam

  • Period Costs and how they are attributed across Success points and Programs
  • What the Program Analyzer and Program Cost report will show when certain conditions exist
  • Using the Lead Report with "pivot tables" (meaning smart lists to dig into things)
  • Attribution of Opps and Revenue based on Success in MT and FT situations.

The success steps are the default ones Marketo provides although that shouldn't really matter for the test. The 

  • First time Marketo sees an email address, the first program gets FT credit regardless of Success.
  • If an Opp/Lead associated to Program Success wins, then that revenue can be attributed in an FT or MT manner, usually equal weighted in RCE for MT.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Anyone have Program Cost or RCE questions that were challenging during a practice exam?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

@Carlito_Jay_Ala  feeling ready to take the exam? Anything still on your mind?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟









Any last questions or concepts you want to go over before the exam?

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi @Josh_Hill13 


I'm not sure I'll ever think I'm ready, but I'm willing to take the plunge in the coming weeks when I receive my voucher.

Thank you for your thought-provoking questions, which made me think and check documentation before answering.


Do you have a couple of sample questions from the exam you can share, or is it similar to the style of MCE with more complexity?


Many thanks for your support throughout this mentor program, Zoe

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Josh Hill] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Has anyone scheduled the exam?


@Zoe_Forman I do not have sample questions other than those links I dug up. My team and I used to draft practice questions back in the day for MCE.


From what I can tell this is similar to the RCE exam with some aspects of MCE.

Here's something I found from google

