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Issue When cloning an asset from Design Studio into Marketing Activities, there is a box that asks you to select which program to clone the asset into. When clicking into this box, you may see No Results, even though there are programs within Marketing Activities. This is a article attached image Solution Expected Behavior: This happens when there are too many programs in the Marketing Activities tree. To select your desired Marketing Program, begin typing the Program Name, and results will begin to appear in the Program drop-down. This was designed to increase UI performance when cloning assets into Marketing Activities from Design Studio.  
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Issue Form in Design Studio will not convert the time format upon language selection. English form with date format dd/mm/yyyy This is a article attached image Below is a form using settings with form language selecting German. The date format remains the same "dd/mm/yyyy" when the expected value should be "tt/mm/jjjj" as per language date format This is a article attached image Environment Marketo forms and common web browsers such as Chrome, Opera, Firefox. Root Cause This behaviour is related to the browser language settings. It automatically translates the date in the format of the selected language in the browser. Example of the same form with different browser language selected, the date format is changed by the browser  This is a article attached image This is a article attached image
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New Lead with no email address and no Marketo cookie: If a new lead fills out a Marketo form, their Marketo cookie is created, lead details (including the cookie) will be updated and the Lead-Database and RTP sync process will be initiated. They will then be known to RTP and eligible for 1:1 personalized RTP campaigns. This sync process may take a few minutes so personalization based on lead data will be available from the lead’s next visit.   Lead with email address but no Marketo cookie: When a known lead with no cookie (e.g. a lead from a tradeshow or a list) receives a Marketo email campaign and clicks on a link in the email and arrives to the website, the RTP script runs and a new Marketo cookie is created for them. The creation of the cookie is also sent to the Lead-Database and initiates the RTP sync process for this lead. This sync process may take a few minutes so personalization based on lead data will be available from the lead’s next visit.   Known Lead with email address and Marketo cookie: Any changes to the lead’s data will be synced between the Lead-Database and RTP within 5 minutes interval.
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Article Text So you’ve now used the previous document (Getting Started With Guided Landing Pages:) to download a template from our library and set it up in your Marketo instance, you have even used it to make a landing page or two and you’ve customized those landing pages, AND you’ve even gone the extra mile and customized your template and modified some elements! (Editing Marketo Guided Landing Page Templates, Pt. 1 - Elements:) All of which is fantastic news! Good job!   But if you recall from the article that showed you how to edit Elements on the template, I skipped right over the section on Variables. This is the piece that this document is designed to tackle.   So what is a variable? If you edit a Guided Landing Page you will see a panel on the right hand side that displays both Elements and Variables. In this instance, the variables do everything from assigning a gradient color, to deciding if you want to display or hide different sections of the landing page. Modifying a variable in the landing page editor is designed to be really simple, just click the variable you want to change and give it a new value. Here I changed the Primary Gradient 1 and 2 from 1DA083 and 0F3450 to A00E35 and F2F2F2 respectively and the landing page changes: At its easiest to understand, a variable works a lot like a token in an email. It’s a placeholder for actual code to be used later. So if I create an email that starts with “Hello, {{lead.firstname:default=Friend}}!” you can tell right away what that’s going to do. Pull the first name from the lead record, if none exists use the word “Friend”.   Think of a Variable as a token that you get to define as well as use. The first step is to define it and the second step is to actually call back to the variable you defined.   While it’s easy for a non-technical user to use a variable (as it should be!), setting one up in the template does require a fair amount of HTML knowledge. As stated before, if you are not comfortable editing HTML and do not have a resource available to you, please reach out to, they are able to assist with any sort of coding needs.   So as before, let’s dive into the template, this time we’re going straight for the Variable code.       <!-- Marketo Variable Definitions -->     <meta class="mktoColor" id="gradient1" mktoName="Primary Gradient 1" default="#1da083">     <meta class="mktoColor" id="gradient2" mktoName="Primary Gradient 2" default="#0f3450">   So right at the start of the template, we’re off to the races defining variables. As you can see with the Gradient 1 and Gradient 2, these are both marked with a class of “mktoColor”.   As with the Elements, the full list of Variable types can be found here:        class : "mktoString"      class : "mktoColor"      class : "mktoBoolean"   A string is a variable that contains a value, Color should be obvious what that does and Boolean is a yes or no choice.   In addition to the class, each variable has to have a unique ID. This is critical and used when the variable is called later on down the page. When you call a variable it’s always with the syntax of ${id name}. So in this case ${gradient1} and ${gradient2}. As you can see it looks a LOT like a token but it’s a token you can name whatever you want.   The mktoName is how it displays the variable in the Landing Page editor.   The default value is what it starts out with.   So let’s take a look and see how these Gradients are applied now that they’re defined at the top of the template.   Color is typically used in the CSS portion of the header. As defined in the previous document, CSS stands for “Cascading Style Sheets” and is a way of formatting the same thing over and over again, kind of like setting a font in a word processor.       /* Header Gradient */     #is {         top: 0;         width: 100%;         min-height: 620px;         position: relative;         z-index: 1;         color: #fff; padding-top: 10%;                 background-image: linear-gradient(${gradient1},${gradient2});     }   Now normally in CSS, the linear-gradient option would have two colors listed, the top color and the bottom color and it provides a gradual transition from one to the other.   We could just as easily change this in the template to        background-image: linear-gradient(red,white);   But the problem doing that is that an end user, who is only using the Landing Page Editor, would not be able to change it. The gradient would be defined in the template and inaccessible to the Editor.   Changing these values to the variables defined before allows the user to change the first and second colors in the Landing Page editor interface.   In Summary:   The Meta Tags define what the variables mean:     <meta class="mktoColor" id="gradient1" mktoName="Primary Gradient 1" default="#1da083">     <meta class="mktoColor" id="gradient2" mktoName="Primary Gradient 2" default="#0f3450">   The ID= is then used to call the variable and put it into action:       background-image: linear-gradient(${gradient1},${gradient2});   The other benefit to doing it this way is you can re-use the same variable over and over again. Look at this piece of CSS:   body {                 background: ${gradient2};         margin: 0;         color: #696E74;     }   That’s the same ID as the gradient we used before, only applied to a different section. This ensures that the bottom color of the gradient and the background of this section will always be the same color.   Any item in the CSS that contains a text value, a color value or a yes/no choice can be converted to a Variable.   Here’s another common usage:   You’re using a form on your landing page, but you want the end user to be able to change the text on the submit button.   As before you define the variable:        <meta class="mktoString" id="section4ButtonLabel" mktoName="Sec. 4 Button Label" default="More Questions?">   Then farther down the page where the button appears you call the variable you defined before:        <div class="centered mtb">           <a href="${section4ButtonLink}"><button class="btn btn-lg btn-green mt">           ${section4ButtonLabel}</button></a>      </div>   The <a href= is pulling a http link that the user can define in the editor, the button class is setting up a green button as defined in the CSS, and there is our Variable to display the label which reads “More Questions?” Here’s what it looks like in the editor: So this is great, and it makes sense because you can see this was all set up and defined by a professional. What if you wanted to add your own? Is that even possible?   Naturally it is!   First, figure out what you want to convert to a Variable. Is it a piece of text like a button name or a link? Is it a color? Is it a yes/no choice?   Let’s say we want to add a variable that controls the color of the buttons. We have two, both using the same color green, and we want whoever is running the landing page editor to change that without having to go to the template:   Step 1: Define your variable:        <meta class="mktoColor" id="ButtonColor" mktoName="Button Color" default="#1DA083">   We’re talking about colors so the class will be “mktoColor”. The ID can be anything we want it to be as can be the mktoName. The default is the same lovely green shade as was used before.   Now we need to call this color.  Looking at the CSS, we can see the .btn-green is defined as this:        .btn-green {           border: 4px solid #1da083;           border-radius: 60px;           color: #fff;           background: #1da083;           -webkit-transition: none;           -moz-transition: none;           transition: none;      }   The background is the color we want to change to a Variable so it can be edited without having to access the template.   Change the code to this:        .btn-green {           border: 4px solid #1da083;           border-radius: 60px;           color: #fff;           background: ${ButtonColor};           -webkit-transition: none;           -moz-transition: none;           transition: none;      }     Approve the template and check out the landing page in the editor: Well that’s fantastic, but there’s a separate color for the border, we could just as easily add a variable for it as well:        border: 4px solid #1da083;   We don’t want to HAVE to add another new variable for just the border. We could change the border at the same time as the button. By changing #1da083; to ${ButtonColor};   The trick now becomes what if you change your mind? What if you have a variable in the template that is no longer desired? How do you get rid of it?   Remember each variable is two pieces, the definition and the call. You have to remove BOTH pieces. Technically removing the call would be enough to prevent the change from being made on the page, but the definition is what makes the variable appear in the Landing Page Editor, if you only removed the call then there would be a non-functional Variable in the landing page editor.   So in the case of our button color:   Step 1 would be to strip out the meta tag containing the definition:   Step 2 would be changing the variable name where it’s being used to some fixed value:        .btn-green {           border: 4px solid #1da083;           border-radius: 60px;           color: #fff;           background: ${ButtonColor}; -> change this to some other fixed color. #00FF33; or the original #1da083;.           -webkit-transition: none;           -moz-transition: none;           transition: none;      }   Doing both pieces will prevent the Variable from being listed in the Landing Page Editor and prevent it from having any effect on the page.
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Issue When attempting to import an audience through the Facebook Custom Audience integration an error is received with a variation of the following error text: "error_code": 1870068, "error_summary": "Contains a Disabled Audience", "error_message": "Contains a Disabled Audience: This ad set was paused because it contains at least one audience that was disabled. Disabled audiences were shared by accounts that are no longer active. To fix this issue, remove the affected audiences: <affected_audience_names>" Solution Facebook allows for audiences to be shared across multiple business managers. In the past, if one business manager was disabled after sharing an audience, the remaining mangers would still have access to that shared audience. Facebook made a policy change December 11th, 2018 which has removed the ability to access those shared audiences owned by disabled accounts.       To resolve this error, the disabled account must be reinstated by Facebook or an alternate audience with an active Facebook account must be chosen     Who This Solution Applies To Clients Utilizing Facebook Custom Audiences
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Issue You sent an email using a Smart Campaign and the email performance report for the email shows more Sent than there are members in the Smart Campaign     Solution The email may have been sent by more than one campaign.  You can determine this by looking at the "Used By" info on the email's summary page, to see which campaigns sent the email.  In this case, you can use the Campaign Email Performance Report to view the email's performance within the specific campaign.
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Issue Clicking on a link in a Marketo e-mail that re-directs to a non-Marketo webpage destination does not open the page.     Solution Complete the troubleshooting step below. If they do not resolve the issue, include the results in a Marketo Support Ticket. Check the CNAME is correctly setup for the email tracking link  Check that the Default Branding Name matches the CNAME in Step 1 (check for typos).  If you are unsure you can visit CNAME lookup on mxtoolbox and enter the default branding name to check. Under the Domain field enter your default branding name. Do you have SSL for tracking links enabled? If Yes, tracking links in emails should start with HTTPS:// If No, tracking links in emails should start with HTTP://   If you do not have SSL enabled, but when you click the link it resolves to HTTPS://,try a different network and see if it still occurs. Your network may be configured to automatically use HTTPS automatically even if the link is specified as HTTP. (Check with your network admin)   If you are re-directed to the non-Marketo landing page but the page does not load: Check with the website admin if there are any redirect rules setup on the website. Try cutting out parts of the additional URL Parameter to see if that fixes the issue to identify which part of the URL parameter is causing it. Sometimes lead tokens or the mkt_tok may affect a redirect rule, since mkt_tok generates random characters and sometimes the token contains percentage '%' characters. It very common for websites to interpret a % followed by a character as an encoding. Seen in this website here   If you are unable to resolve the issue in the steps above, provide the test results and information in a Marketo Support Case.
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Issue When there is a change to a field in your CRM that is mapped to a Marketo score type field, the next time the sync processes the change will be reverted and there will be a "Sync Person Updates" activity logged showing that the original value got pushed back from Marketo to the CRM. Solution Score type fields are designed to be managed solely by Marketo, since that is a unique field type to our system.  Scoring is intended to be handled by the scoring campaigns that you set up in Marketo, and pushed to the CRM if necessary. If you have a score field that you intend to put processes in place where your CRM will be updating the values, simply make sure that the Marketo field that it is mapped to is an Integer type field.  
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Issue Syncing a SFDC custom field that is not on the Lead, Contact, or Account object.   Solution Any custom field created in Salesforce that is not linked with Lead, Contact or Account objects will not sync to Marketo. Only the Lead, Contact and Account objects can be synced down to Marketo by default. If you would like to have any custom field synced to Marketo, it must be associated to a Lead, Contact or Account object in Salesforce. Custom Objects created in your Salesforce instance can be part of Marketo too. To use a custom object in Marketo, it must be associated to a Lead, Contact or Account object in Salesforce as well. For more information on syncing Salesforce Custom Objects, please see the documentation here: SFDC Sync: Custom Object Sync. Fields on the SFDC Custom Object do not become fields in the Marketo lead database, but can be used as filter constraints on Custom Object filters - Add/Remove Custom Object Field as Smart List/Trigger Constraints.  
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Issue How to select specific campaign or program emails for your Email Link Performance report. Solution Email Link Performance report can customized according to specific campaign or a program. In the report Setup tab, you can change the selected emails to the entire campaign folder, or even select individual emails.  
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Issue You want to add multiple values to a Smart List filter as described here: . However, when you go to do so for a field that has a type of "Text" you are not able to add multiple values. Solution This is expected behavior for Marketo Text fields. As a workaround, you can add the same filter to the Smart List multiple times, one for each value you want included.   
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Issue Marketo is giving an "SPF Configuration Error" despite the sending domain SPF record being set properly using an "include:".   Solution SPF records have a limit of 10 look-ups that can be included in the record, so if your Marketo sending domain is also used to send emails from several other systems, your IT team may need to use an "include:" mechanism in the record in order to make sure that Marketo's sending IPs are included. The tool in Marketo that verifies that your SPF record is configured properly is not able to follow such an "include:", so you will get a notification in your instance that states "SPF information for {your sending domain} is not configured correctly in the domain's DNS record". For example, if your SPF record was set up as: "v=spf1 ~all" All the references in the SPF record are "include:" mechanisms that reference the other companies sending IPs: contains "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" contains "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: exists:%{i} -all" contains "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" comtains "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip6:2a04:35c0::/29  ~all"   In this situation, all of the required sending IP addresses are included in the SPF record, and recipient mail servers are able to follow that "include:" mechanism and verify it properly, but the tool in Marketo would still give an error due.   To determine whether the error is indicating that something is wrong with the record, or if it is simply due to the limitations of the tool in Marketo, you can use one of these third-party tools, once the SPF record is published, to make sure that the record resolves properly using any of the IP addresses that are included.: SPF Query Tool   These tools will then process the full SPF record and let you know with a "Pass" response if the "include:" mechanism is working properly.   Other Resources: Common SPF Errors & Fixes Quick Tip: Don't over include: in your SPF
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Issue Can multiple Marketo forms be used on the same page? Solution Due to the way Marketo forms are embedded on pages, you cannot have two Marketo forms on a single page (landing page or external). Having multiple forms on a single page can prevent the forms from submitting properly.
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Issue You want to recall emails sent from your Marketo instance. Solution Once an email has been sent from Marketo Servers it cannot be recalled or pulled back. You can cancel a program before it sends at its scheduled time using the steps here: The above cancellation only works on Email Programs. If you are wanting to cancel a smart campaign follow these instructions: Note: A smart campaign will only stop what hasn't been run yet. If you already had 100 emails sent by the time you cancel it, those 100 emails cannot be unsent. You may see in your Outlook an option for "Recall Email." This function within Outlook only works with internal sends/private systems where the client can request the server revoke access to other client mailboxes before they're viewed, such as your office email to other users in the same company.    
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Issue ToutApp admin needs to add or remove users from a subscription Solution Issue Resolution 1. Log into 2. Click "Settings" located under the gear drop down menu in the top right hand corner 3. Click Team Management under "Admin Settings" in the left tree 4. Add/remove users as desired     Who This Solution Applies To ToutApp Admins    
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Issue Issue Description Person appears to have changed Segment, but there is no activity for that 'Change Segment' recorded in the Activity Log. Segmentation was not recently re-approved, so this would not account for the behavior we are seeing in other circumstances.   Segmentations Not Writing Change Activities However, the record was recently converted from a Lead to a Contact in the CRM.   Solution Issue Resolution Upon Lead conversion to Contact in Salesforce, an "initial" segmentation process for that Contact is computed. During these "initial" segmentation computations, in a manner similar to when a person is initially created in Marketo, no activity is recorded in the record's Activity Log.  
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Issue Records processing through campaigns are not qualifying for the correct choice within the flow step logic and and are instead performing the default choice of do nothing. Solution To resolve this issue: Verify that the value of the choice matched the value of the record at the time that it processed through the campaign. Copy and paste the values from the choice step logic and the record detail in order to ensure that there are not additional characters that would prevent the record from qualifying for the choice. Even a small difference, such as a typo, will cause a choice step to skip.
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Issue You have Universal ID enabled, and now would like it to be disabled. Or you are considering whether Universal ID might be acceptable for your business use case, and would like to know if it is able to disabled at a later date.     Solution It is not possible to disable Universal ID one it has been enabled.  
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Issue You have two reports that report on the same asset, but they show different results. Solution First, check the Setup and Smart Lists for both reports to confirm that they cover the same time frame and group of leads. If the Setup and Smart Lists for the two reports are the same, the data on one of the reports could be from a cached version of the report. Unlike Smart Lists, reports do not re-run every time they are opened, so a report may not be showing the most recent information. Click the refresh button at the bottom of the report to make sure you have the current results. Reports can be refreshed and reflect the most current data in three ways. If you click on the double arrow button in the lower left hand corner of the report this will refresh the data on the report. If you make a change to the reporting criteria such as reporting data range or by adding a smart list this will refresh the data on the report. A subscription is run - when the subscription runs this will refresh the data. To ensure that the most current data is showing on the report you can click the refresh button before exporting the data.      
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Issue You have an upcoming event and you have been unsuccessfully been able to "confirm" the event on the Marketing Event Calendar.     Solution Only batch assets can be "confirmed"/approved on the Marketing Event Calendar. If the error displays "Invalid Campaign" - check the campaign that you are trying to confirm.  If it is a Trigger Campaign, that is why it's unable to be confirmed. Batch assets include Batch Campaigns, as well as Email Batch Programs.        
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