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Marketo users can configure Marketo to manage, nurture, and measure leads that are created from Google AdWords. We offer 2 options, depending on what type of web page is linked to your Google AdWords ad. Option 1: Link Google Adwords Ad to a Marketo Landing Page with a Form   This solution does not require custom coding This solution does not require any additional cost Option 2: Link a Google Adwords Ad to Any Page on your Website This solution does require custom coding so that you can capture the PPC (pay per click) information when the lead comes back 'later' to fill out a form on your page Depending on whether you have resources internally to do the custom coding, this solution may or may not require additional cost Reporting Available (for both Option 1 and 2) Number of new leads acquired by Google Adwords Program Cost per new lead acquired by Google Adwords Program Number of leads acquired by keyword/search phrase Top 10 keywords/search phrases which acquired new leads Top 10 AdWords CampaignID which acquired new leads Number of Opportunities by keyword/search phrase Number of Opportunities by CampaignID Additional Reporting Available if you have Revenue Cycle Analytics/Explorer Conversion ratio of your Google Adwords Return to investment for your Google Adwords Top 10 keywords by month report which shows Average days to convert to opportunity Number of leads converted to opportunity Top 10 CampaignID’s by month report which shows Average days to convert to opportunity Number of leads converted to opportunity Program Channel report >> Google Adwords (custom channel) metrics by quarter New names, cost per new name Opportunity units, Pipeline generated, revenue, revenue to investment     Learn more:   Linking a Google Adwords Ad to a Marketo Landing Page with a Form Linking a Google Adwords Ad to Any Page on Your Website Google Adwords and Marketo FAQs  
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Setting an email to "operational" does the following No unsubscribe link automatically added Email will be sent to leads set to Unsubscribed Email will be sent to leads set to Marketing Suspended   Note - when sending an operational message, Unsubscribed and Marketing Suspended leads will still be included in the "blocked from email" count on the schedule tab of the campaign.   When is it OK to use the operational setting?   Sending marketing email to unsubscribed addresses is illegal. For this reason, you should be extremely careful to only use this setting in extremely limited circumstances. Using this setting incorrectly violates Marketo's Terms of Service, and most antispam laws. There may be legal consequences for using this setting incorrectly. Good uses of the operational setting fall into two categories: Transactional messages Relationship messages   What's a transactional message? A transactional message is part of a transaction that a lead has initiated and you are responding to. Here's some examples of transactional messages: Receipts for purchases Registration confirmations Download links in response to form fill-outs Requested assets (whitepapers, spec sheets, etc.)   What's a relationship message? A relationship message describes something that affects your business relationship with the lead. Here's some examples of relationship messages: Downtime notifications Changes to terms of service Recall notices End of service notifications   Operational messages should not contain any marketing content at all. In other words, do not use the operational setting to send a message that contains a receipt and a promotion, only a receipt.
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By default, required fields on Marketo forms show a red asterisk to indicate that they're required. Here's how you can remove or change it.   Please ensure that you have access to an experienced Web developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting code. Removing the asterisk The following CSS will remove the asterisk from your code. You can add this to one landing page by dragging in a Custom HTML element and pasting this in, or you can add it to your landing page template so it affects all your forms. <style type="text/css">   form.lpeRegForm li.mktFormReq label {     background: none !important;   } </style >   Changing the asterisk To change the required symbol, you need an image that you'd like to display instead of the asterisk. It needs to be 16x16px, and ideally you should make the background transparent. Create that image, then upload it to Marketo. Get the URL for that image, then add this CSS to your landing pages: <style type="text/css">   form.lpeRegForm li.mktFormReq label {     background:url('[image URL goes here]') no-repeat scroll right 0 transparent;   } </style>
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  Marketo Champions are customers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the Marketo Community, are experts in Marketo products, are avid contributors in the social world, and are loyal advocates of the Marketo brand. Benefits and perks our Champions receive include:   Access: Meetings with our product and marketing teams to give exclusive feedback Previews: Given early previews to products, features, and releases when available Publicity: Exclusive speaking opportunities at our annual Marketo Summit and other events Networking: Special networking events with Marketo executives and fellow Champions and semi-annual conference calls Ownership: Ownership of content and exclusive activities at our annual Marketo Summit that showcase your expertise and thought leadership Credibility: Special Champion badge on Marketo Community profiles, and profiled on Marketo's corporate website Sweet Swag: Champion-exclusive swag To find out more information and apply, click here. To view a complete list of current Champions, click here. Join the Marketo Elite Today!  
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Issue How to use tokens to personalize some of the information displayed in a Marketo form.     Solution It is possible to use Marketo tokens in the following form elements: Field Labels - Edit a Field Label in a Form Hint Text - Add Hint Text to a Form Field Tooltip Instructions - Add Tooltip Instructions to a Form Field Fieldset Text - Add a FieldSet to a Form Rich Text boxes - Add Rich Text to a Form
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Issue The URL for the landing page shows as "https" even though you do not have SSL set up on your Marketo instance, causing the browser to display a "Not Secure" warning.   Solution This can happen if the primary domain and DNS are SSL secure, but Marketo is not.  For instance, if your primary domain is "" (SSL secure) then the DNS, which is also SSL secure, will push down the "https" transfer protocol down to all the CNAMEs on that DNS.  This will force the Marketo landing page using the CNAME to use "https" in the URL, even though it is not secure. There are two ways to resolve this: Work with your IT department to see if there is a non-SSL option for your DNS Purchase SSL for your Marketo instance so that both your primary domain and your Marketo pages are SSL secure. If you would like to add SSL to your Marketo instance, please contact your Account Manager to see about adding that to your subscription.     
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Issue A lead has an Unsubscribe activity logged in their activity history, but they continue to receive emails after the Unsubscribe.     Solution An Unsubscribe activity is logged when the lead clicks the system Unsubscribe link embedded in a Marketo email.  However, if that link takes them to a Preference Center that allows them to select from multiple options, they may not choose the full unsubscribe option and may continue to receive selected emails.   To confirm if this is the case, find the Unsubscribe activity in their activity log and double-click on the activity to open it. This will show you the choices they selected in the email preferences form.  In the example below, the lead did not fully unsubscribe, they only chose to unsubscribe from specific content. Since they did not choose the global unsubscribe, they will continue to receive some emails.    
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Issue Reporting on separate links in an email that both point to the same URL Solution When there are duplicate links in an email, the performance of those links will be consolidated into a single row in the Analytics report, so if there are three links that point to the same URL, there will only be a single line for that link on the Performance report. If you would like to differentiate between these duplicates, you can add URL Parameters. Example:   and In this example, Marketo Link Performance Reporting will show each individual link on Analytics Reporting, but both links will go to the same place.
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Issue How to setup the favicon, aka Favorites Icon for Marketo Landing Pages. Solution Steps to Setting up Favicon 1. Ensure you have the favicon hosted either externally or internally in Marketo. (Don't know how to find the link of a image hosted in Marketo? Check this DOC out) 2. On the Landing Page Settings ensure that option 'Remove default favicon links' is selected. Note that this affects all landing pages globally (scroll down in the settings, it might be hiding) [Related DOC] 3. You can specify the favicon in two ways:    a. Directly on the landing page in the custom HTML Header [Related DOC]    b. In the Landing Page Template's Header 4. This code would need to be specified in the header <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<favicon url>" type="image/x-icon" > <link rel="icon" href="<favicon url>" type="image/x-icon" > 5. Test the landing page out by either opening it in a different browser or clearing the browser cache and restarting the browser.
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Issue What is the difference between mktNoTrack and  mktNoTok? Solution Adding the mktNoTrack class to an email link tells Marketo not to add a tracking link to the URL. Without the tracking link, the recipient is not redirected through the tracking server before going to the target URL. Use this when you specifically don't want to track Clicked Link in Email events in the Marketo database. Adding the mktNoTok class to an email link tells Marketo not to add the _mkt_tok parameter to the target link.  Used when the target link does not behave properly, for example, a mailto: link that should not have extraneous URL info or a static file that won't download when there are query parameters. The click activity will still be tracked, but the associated lead info will not be carried onto the page for use in functions such as form prefill.
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Issue Links sent to a customer using AppleMail are not rendering properly. Solution This issue is cause when there is no protocol assigned to a link so AppleMail appends applewebdata:// to the beginning of the url instead of HTTP:// or HTTPS:// The work-around for this is to include the protocol in the link. If there's no protocol (e.g. http://) then the rendering engine will insert applewebdata:// as the protocol for any links.     
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Issue After updating the Unsubscribe HTML and Text in Admin>Email, newly added tokens may not render as expected. Solution To resolve the behavior, you'll need to do the following after updating the Unsubscribe settings in Admin: 1) Navigate to the various emails within the instance and un-approve them. May require removing references to the email first. 2) Re-approve the emails. 3) Add back any references to the email asset.   Why this needs to be done: When the email asset is approved it goes through a validation process for all the tokens that are used and this includes the global unsubscribe settings. When editing in Admin >Email > Unsubscribe the validity of tokens is not checked upon saving those changes. If a invalid token is added, something like {{lead.nonExistingField}}, no errors are thrown and it'll return that string value. The verification is done when the "approve" email functionality is used on email assets. This steps retrieves valid tokens list used in the email and adds/updates them in a backend table for use/reference. The update to the global unsubscribe settings doesn't cause the stored information to reference the newly changed settings in Admin. To cause that validation process to go through successfully and update the information on the back end, you'll need to un-approve and re-approve the various emails within the instance to use the new global settings.
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Issue You put a variable inside an email token and when the email was sent, the variable rendered as text rather than as a link: Example: ${queryParameters} Should expand to: {{my.CertainURLHREF}}?utm_source=${utm-source}&utm_content=${utm-content}&utm_medium=${utm-medium}&utm_campaign=${utm-campaign}&ajs_uid={{lead.Email Address}}&ajs_event=Email%20Clicked With the various tokens populated Instead it expands to this:$%7Butm-source%7D&utm_content=$%7Butm-content%7D&utm_medium=$%7Butm-medium%7D&utm_campaign=$%7Butm-campaign%7D&   Solution Essentially, email template variables are used at design time to make building out an email easier. Tokens are used at send time to make data variable per program without having to edit the asset or lead. Putting email template variables inside tokens won't work for this reason. It is just how the current design works and you will not be able to put email template tokens inside my tokens or lead tokens. Unwrapping variables before you put them within the token will allow them to function properly. This removes the simplicity of the variable, but retains the functionality.
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Issue You see a popup that says 'Limited Access' when you attempt to edit or delete an asset in the Design Studio, even though you should have the required permissions/privileges for the workspace it is located in.   Solution When an asset is shared from one workspace to another, only the original copy can be edited or otherwise modified, even if you have permissions for every workspace it appears in. If you attempt to alter the asset inside one of the folders it has been shared to, you will see a popup informing you that you don't have sufficient privileges to do so. To edit the asset, make sure you are working with the original copy of that asset, located within the workspace where it was first created. Who This Solution Applies To People using Workspaces
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Issue Issue Description After submitting a form on a landing page, the Thank-you page fails to load, or it loads the wrong page.   Solution Issue Resolution The Thank-you page used by the form can be defined in two places, at the Form level and at the Landing Page level. If these two are in conflict, the setting on the Landing Page wins.  To troubleshoot this issue, compare the two Thank-you options and make sure the Landing Page is either set to the correct page, or that it allows the Thank-you to be form-defined.  
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Issue You have been utilizing the default tracking links to send Emails to leads in Marketo and decide to change the default tracking link to your own branding tracking. When you do so, this breaks the links in emails you have already sent. Solution The branding tracking link should be one of the first steps that the customer(s) need to do when they obtain their instances. If you decided to change the default tracking link to a branded tracking link after utilizing them in emails, you should be prepared in advance that any email sent prior to the change will generate the 404 Error. We recommend not sending any emails within a week or two of the change so that an email sent on Monday is then broken on Tuesday.  
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Issue You are trying to edit an existing email template, and it has the status of "Approved with Draft" However the draft is not showing up in menu tree and when you try to edit and save, you get the error "Not Allowed – Template already has a draft." Solution Issue Resolution Refresh the browser or check is the draft is opened in another window. Try logging out and logging back in Try using a different browser to check it further Check if there is a template with the same name that exists elsewhere (Design Studio) Rename the template and check if that is working If the issue persists, please reach out to Marketo Support for further assistance    
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Issue Can multiple Marketo forms be used on the same page? Solution Due to the way Marketo forms are embedded on pages, you cannot have two Marketo forms on a single page (landing page or external). Having multiple forms on a single page can prevent the forms from submitting properly.
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Issue Is it possible to add snippet to a template (email or landing page)?   Solution Snippets can't be added to directly to the templates. You would need to add them into the specific landing pages or emails created from the templates.
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Issue You want to lock specific parts of an email, such as the From or Reply-To, to prevent certain users from editing them. Solution Through roles and various permissions you can prevent editing of the email as a whole. You do not have the ability to allow only partial edit of an email header such as the From/To. The same applies to Sales Insight emails. Edit permissions are granted for the email as a whole Note: You can prevent people from editing pieces of an email by making those sections non-editable on the template level, but again, this would apply to all users.        
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