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Issue: When I try to approve an email I get the following error: Error approving Email Name - Sending IP is empty or not valid This is a article attached image Solution: You likely have multiple dedicated IPs and you did not choose which one to send this email from. 1. Edit Draft of the email in question. 2. Select which IP Address you want this email to sent from and click Save. This is a article attached image 3. Close the email editor and under Email Actions click on Approve.      
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Issue Issue Description How to enable multiple selections in a picklist/select field in a Marketo form.     Solution Issue Resolution In the Field Properties, choose Field Type "Select" Edit Values to include your desired picklist options in the field Check the box for "Multiple Selections" This is a article attached image
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Issue Embedded Marketo form not visible in Firefox Private Browsing mode. Solution Firefox's private mode will be enabled by default. When you embed a Marketo form in your own webpages and view it in Firefox's private mode, it will disable the Javascript as part of the tracking protection of this browser. JavaScript is needed for the forms to appear on the landing pages or webpages. The "Tracking Protection" in the Firefox browser will need to be deactivated for the form to appear. Here is an article from FireFox regarding the Tracking Protection:    
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Issue Marketo forms that are embedded on external web pages see loading errors. Examples of this could be that the fields load with delay, or once submitted the form lags before moving to a follow up page.     Solution Two things to check: Is there custom CSS in your form? Is the embed code on your form customized?   Isolate the cause You can isolate the root of the lag by testing your form on a Marketo Landing Page   1. Locate the embedded form with in your instance 2. Build a landing page to test the form: Landing Page with a Form 3. Place your form on the new testing landing page, approve the page and close it. 4. Load the Landing Page using the URL   If the form loads with no delay, the issue lies with the embed code used to push the form onto the external page. Please work with your custom developer to find a resolution.   If the form is loading with a delay (and there is custom CSS):   1. Clone your form 2. Remove any custom CSS from with in the form 3. Build a landing page to test the form: Landing Page with a Form 4. Place your form on the new testing landing page, approve the page and close it. 5. Load the Landing Page using the URL   If you are not seeing any loading errors, the issue lies with in the custom CSS of your form. Please work with your custom coder to improve the loading speed of your form. Note: Occasionally, incorporating the form embed script into containers (custom coding) and utilizing custom JavaScript may lead to delays in form functionality. In such instances, it is recommended to collaborate with your developer to identify a solution, as Marketo Support does not troubleshoot issues specifically related to custom coding. If you are still seeing lag errors on your form loading on the Marketo Page, please submit a ticket with    
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Issue Email won't be approved due to too many custom tokens Solution Sometimes when approving an email with a large number of of tokens, the following error message will appear: 'The number of custom tokens in the email exceeds the limit '   This is a article attached image   This means that you have too many custom tokens in the email and that if you wish to approve the email, you will need to remove one or more of your custom tokens in the email.    Its important to note that this only applies to custom tokens, which are tokens based on a custom field in Marketo.  This means that while you will be allowed to add more of the standard tokens to the email and approve it, you will not be allowed to go beyond the 40 custom token limit we have in place for the non-standard tokens. Here you will find all the standard tokens in Marketo
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Issue The same email looks different in different email clients, and does not match what is shown in the Email Previewer.     Solution Different browsers and email clients render HTML and CSS differently. While there are standards set forth by W3C, there is room for flexibility. At a high level, it is expected for emails to look different, even within the same platform such as Outlook 2013 vs Outlook 2010. With that said, you can code against some of these anomalies by adding extra code in CSS to account for the differences. You should consult with an HTML/CSS designer to make these changes. In all likelihood, the issue is related to how Outlook(or any other email client) is rendering the email and reviewing the Outlook settings as well as email and template code should resolve any issues customers are experiencing as when we send test emails to both outlook and gmail both are generally rendered differently (gmail seems a bit fine though). FAQs Where should I start trying to determine whether this is a Marketo or Outlook issue? In most cases if the email is loading within another email client without issue then Outlook would be the best location to review. Is there a way for me to see if it is a template problem? Yes, does the issue occur when an email is created and sent with another template? What are the steps to troubleshoot? In general, to provide the most accurate troubleshooting steps, a bit more information will be helpful. I have provided a few general tips below which may be helpful. As a rule of thumb, Outlook sometimes requires custom coding to appear as it does in other email clients since they use their own word engine to render the html. If the images when they are downloaded are not displaying as expected, we would typically recommend reviewing any code in the email since Outlook uses its word engine to render html and additional code may be needed for Outlook specifically as a result. A developer may be required to implement any custom code required to display the emails as expected. You may consider reaching out to the Community to understand what other users have done to overcome similar obstacles. I have provided a few links below which may be relevant. Is there any reference Documentation ? HTML Email Display in Outlook Marketo emails don't render properly in MS Outlook app for iOS Re: Help - My Emails Look Terrible in Outlook 2016 Here are a few resources that may help with Outlook rendering issues: It’s Not You, It’s Outlook – The Complete Guide for Email Marketers Gallery of Common Outlook Rendering Issues Gallery of Common Outlook Rendering Issues MICROSOFT OUTLOOK CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS Outlook 2007/2010/2013/2016 and Word HTML Outlook 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / 365 and Word HTML - HowTo-Outlook 12 Techniques for Excellent Emails in How to Create Excellent Emails for A Guide to Rendering Differences in Microsoft Outlook Clients Outlook Email Rendering Issues and How to Solve Them - Litmus Surface Pro 3 and Outlook Email Rendering Redirecting
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Issue Email asset does not show which template it was built on and shows the word "none" instead of the name of the template that was used to create that asset. Solution Any edit directly to the HTML code of an email will break the connection between the email and the template. Changes made to the template will no longer flow down to the email. After making those change you will see a template name of None instead of the name of a template. When editing the HTML in the email, you will see this warning message: This is a article attached image
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  What is the Email API? What is the Email API used for? What is Email 2.0? Does the Email API Work on Email 2.0 Assets? Will the Email API Break when Enabling Email Experience 2.0? How Are 1.0 Assets Upgraded to 2.0 Assets? What to Do When an Email Was Accidentally Converted to Email 2.0 format?     What is the Email API? API stands for Application Programming Interface and the Email API allows an automated process to create and edit emails in Marketo. There are also other API calls that involve emails, such as Approve Snippet (assuming the Snippet is used in an Email) and Clone Program (assuming the Program contains Emails). There are also API calls to create and update Email Templates. Essentially, the API can do many things that you can also do through the Marketo user interface, but then in an automated fashion.     What is the Email API used for? There are many scenarios: an external system could create Emails in Marketo using data that lives outside of Marketo. A translation service provider could clone a master Email, translate it to many languages, then save them back into Marketo as localized Emails. A reporting system could extract Emails from Marketo to use in reports that are generated outside of Marketo. An external system could Clone a Program that contains Emails, then populate the Program Tokens and schedule the Email to be sent out at a specific time. There could be an external email template creation system that creates new Email templates in Marketo through the API.     What is Email 2.0? “Email Experience 2.0” is the new Marketo product feature with the enhanced email editor, documented here: It can be switched on in Admin > Email > Edit Email Editor Settings. All Emails and Email Templates also have a version number, either 1.0 (the old version) or 2.0 (the new version). If we refer to “Email 2.0 asset” we mean an email or email template in the new upgraded 2.0 format.     Does the Email API Work on Email 2.0 Assets? Yes.     Will the Email API Break when Enabling Email Experience 2.0? No. Enabling Email 2.0 will not automatically upgrade Emails or Email Templates to the new 2.0 format. The Email API can still create new Emails and Email Templates in the 1.0 format.  However – after enabling Email 2.0 – any Email or Email Template that is created or edited and approved through the Marketo User Interface will automatically be upgraded to the 2.0 format.     How Are 1.0 Assets Upgraded to 2.0 Assets? If you edit an “Approved" or “Approved with Draft” 1.0 Email with Email 2.0 enabled, the draft is converted to the 2.0 format. You can still discard the draft to go back to the approved 1.0 format. Once you approve the email and it becomes 2.0, the Email cannot be converted back to 1.0. If you edit a “Draft” 1.0 Email (never been approved), this will automatically be converted to 2.0 with no option to revert back to the 1.0 format. The same applies to Email Templates.     What to Do When an Email Was Accidentally Converted to Email 2.0 format? If an Email or Email Template was accidentally converted to the 2.0 format, you’d have to copy the asset contents to a text editor, disable Email 2.0, then create a new 1.0 asset using the content that you copied.
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Issue You have been receiving form submissions that appear to have bogus/nonsensical data in the fields, such as "" for email address, or "111-111-1111" for phone number, or in a Comment field other random nonsensical text.     Solution Currently, there are no default settings in Marketo that prohibit a form submission if the required fields are filled out. A great workaround for addressing these bogus form submissions in Marketo is to implement a 'honeypot' field on the form. To do this, you will need to create a custom Marketo field, string type, and name it something distinctive (such as "spam" or "honeypot"). After creating this field in Marketo Admin > Field Management, place this new field on the form as a hidden field. Real live end-users do not see hidden fields, but spam bots will see them and fill out all available fields. So now when we see form fills with this honeypot field "not empty," we know that it was a bot fillout.   Setting up the Honeypot Field Say that you have a Trigger Campaign that's having some issue with these spam/bogus form fills. In the flow of this campaign, you can add a flow step at the top: Remove from Flow, with a Choice.   Choice: If Honeypot field Is not empty, then remove from flow Default: do nothing   This way, the lead record is removed from the flow. You can also have other campaigns to handle these bogus form fills, such as a daily recurring batch to delete the record.   Other Options Another method of dealing with bot fillouts is to enable a reCaptcha. In fact, a very prolific Marketo user has written custom code that you feasibly could use to enable a reCaptcha on the form! Check this out:    
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Issue You want to have one email address in the From field ( a different email address in the Reply-To ( Solution Yes, you can use different email addresses in the From and Reply-To.  If the Reply-To is an email alias that sends to a group, you should confirm that email is working and able to receive email.  Please note: Automatic replies, such as out-of-office notifications will be sent to the From address, not the Reply-To.  Reply-To is only used when the person who received the email clicks the Reply button in their email client. Note :- The SMTP envelope sender typically appears as <uniqueidentifier>@* You will only receive responses of this nature if you have configured a branded sender for your subscription. While this serves as the correct destination for auto-responses, regrettably, it is frequently overlooked.    
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Issue Sometimes email addresses that are CC'd can have emails bounce. This doc describes what to expect in these scenarios. Solution Sending Emails To address is valid, cc address bounces   The email will be sent to the recipient but the cc'ed recipient will not receive it (since the address is invalid).   Nothing in the Marketo UI will communicate that the email to the cc'ed address was undeliverable.   To address bounces, the cc address is valid The email to the recipient will bounce normally.  The cc'ed recipient will still receive a copy of the email.   Nothing in the email sent to the cc'ed recipient will tell them that the To: the address was undeliverable.   To address is valid, cc address is unsubscribed The email to the recipient will deliver normally.  The unsubscribed cc address will not receive the email.   Nothing in the UI will reflect that the cc'ed recipient did not receive the email because of an unsubscribe setting.  The cc'ed address will not appear in the Send Email activity under the cc'ed attribute.   Email Delivered This will not include details of the cc'ed email addresses.  There is no log item in the UI to communicate that a CC email was delivered to the recipient or bounced.   Emails in the inbox The cc'ed person will be in the cc field of the email the lead receives.  The links in the email will be tracked for the person in the To: line.  If the cc'ed person clicks the links in the email, the 'Click Link' activity will be logged on the lead in the To: address and the cc'ed recipient will be cookied by Munchkin as the person in the To: address.
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Issue -Error editing image in email: “image URL does not exist” or “image URL cannot be found”   Environment -SSL not enabled on Marketo instance -Browser blocks unsecured content Solution Option 1 -Set up SSL for landing pages (Recommended!  SSL should be a baseline configuration for all landing pages and tracking domains). Add SSL to Your Landing Pages | Adobe Marketo Engage Option 2 (Not recommended!   Warning! This is a security risk.) -Allow browser to view unsecured content (can choose to turn this setting back off in the browser after viewing the content) This link below describes how to enable this content in Chrome. This link below describes how to enable this content in Firefox. Option 3 -Try to use a different browser or try turning off all browser extensions. Root Cause This issue could be caused by SSL not being enabled. If the issue was sudden, and SSL is enabled, it is likely due to the browser needing an update. Check if there are any updates that need to be done.
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Issue When trying to edit an email you are receiving the error "Cannot Load Email" with out any other details. This is only when trying to edit the email, other functionalities like cloning still work.   Solution The reason you are receiving this error message is because the HTML of the email has been corrupted. Extract the HTML of the email by following the instructions here:'s+HTML Find the email and select it In the Email Actions Drop down click Download HTML Once the emails HTML is extracted you can check on the errors by pushing the HTML through a validator ( **If no Errors are evident please create a support ticket. If there are errors but you would still like to use the HTML in an email.   Create a new email, replace the HTML with the extracted content from the old email Append the HTML to resolve any errors that would corrupt the content Save and Approve Email for use in campaigns and programs   Root Cause Sometimes emails can become corrupted in Marketo. When this occurs unexpected behavior may occur. Typically emails become corrupted when a copy of a copy of a copy (etc.) occurs. With each clone of an asset there is a small chance that the asset could become corrupted, this becomes more and more likely as clones of clones are made. A solution to help prevent corruption would be to create a 'master' email that you can clone from each time instead of cloning from something else that was cloned. This same solution can be applied to other assets such as landing pages. 
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Issue Clearing cache and cookies in your browser will fix a number of different problems related to page display, browser errors, and login issues.     Solution Here are links to the support articles on how to clear cache and cookies for the most commonly used browsers. Chrome Clear cache and cookies - Computer - Google Account Help   FireFox How to clear the Firefox cache | Firefox Help   Internet Explorer   Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge, browsing data, and privacy – Microsoft privacy    
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Issue You have two SFDC picklist fields mapped to one Marketo field but it isn't showing all picklist values for both SFDC fields. Solution When two SFDC picklist fields are mapped to one field in Marketo, the only values that will show in Marketo will be the values that exist in both picklists.  Review the picklist values in Salesforce and add any missing values to the picklists so that they match exactly. This could happen in situations where the field in Marketo is mapped to a SFDC picklist field on leads as well as a SFDC field on contact/account.
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Issue When trying to clone a Form or Landing page from Design Studio to a specific Program under Marketing Activities, there is no list of programs that appear.   Solution This is expected behavior. When you don't see a program listed, this is because the number of programs in Marketing Activities actually exceeds what we're able to display at one time. If you start typing into the Program field in the pop-up window, you should start to see programs listed in the drop-down. For example, you enter the name of the particular program, you will get a result.  
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Summary UTM Parameters Not Populating with Known People Form Fill Issue UTM parameter field values are not being captured for some people's form submissions, even though the form is configured to capture the values. Solution When a form is using the "Show Custom HTML Form for Known People", the submission button will generate a Filled out Form activity, but will not write any new field values. When attempting to capture UTM parameters with the feature enabled, those UTM values, as well as the other fields on that form, will not be captured. Show Custom HTML Form for Known People | Adobe Marketo Engage
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Issue An email asset with a program MyToken is not reflecting correctly after a campaign send, even though the email asset is within a program with the correct token value. Root Cause If the smart campaign that sent the email is in a different program, the MyToken reference will come from the program of the sending smart campaign, not the program where the email lives.
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Issue When cloning an asset from Design Studio into Marketing Activities, there is a box that asks you to select which program to clone the asset into. When clicking into this box, you may see No Results, even though there are programs within Marketing Activities. This is a article attached image Solution Expected Behavior: This happens when there are too many programs in the Marketing Activities tree. To select your desired Marketing Program, begin typing the Program Name, and results will begin to appear in the Program drop-down. This was designed to increase UI performance when cloning assets into Marketing Activities from Design Studio.  
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Issue When using the [] end-point to pull all Email templates, the COUNT is much less than what is shown in Marketo's Design Studio Global Search.   Solution This is the expected behavior. When viewing the total count of Email templates in the Design Studio UI, it will count EACH shared template that is shared across other workspaces, counting the same template multiple times depending on how many workspaces it's shared to. However, when retrieving the Email Templates from the REST API, it will only return DISTINCT Email Template ID's from the originating shared workspace where the template resides. It will not return the templates from the shared workspaces. Root Cause REST API Expected Behavior
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