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Issue Description You wish to use all features of Revenue Explorer reporting and need to set up your instance to pass the necessary information to RCE Issue Resolution In order to use all the features of Revenue Explorer, the following tasks should be completed. Each one notes the report type it applies to. 1.) Set relevant Channel Tags Analytics Behavior as 'Inclusive (regardless of Period Cost)' (all RCE analysis areas) 2.) Review and establish appropriate statuses and successes for relevant Channel Tags (Opportunity Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Cost Analysis) 3.) Ensure that the appropriate statuses are being set within the Marketing Programs' smart campaign flow. In other words, based on certain actions, changing the assigned program statuses to leads in some unified manner to ensure Success statuses are set for programs of the same Program Tag/Channel Tag. (Opportunity Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Cost Analysis) 4.) Assign Program Tags to programs to ensure accurate data in reporting. You can even assign past programs with current Tags, and the data will be made available to Revenue Explorer (bearing in mind the 24 hour sync delay of data) (Email Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Cost Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Revenue Stage Analysis) 5.)Assign Period Costs to Marketing Programs based on the cost it takes to run the program. (Program Cost Analysis; Program Revenue Stage Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis) 6.) Build a Revenue Cycle Model that reflects the flow of your business - (Model Performance Analysis (Companies); Model Performance Analysis (Leads); Program Revenue Stage Analysis) Complete the steps that apply to the types of reporting you are interested in. For example, if you would be interested in using Program Cost Analysis, then you would want to complete steps:1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to get the full capabilities from the tool. If you were interested in Program Membership Analysis, you would complete steps: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Revenue Explorer Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description You are considering archiving or deleting old programs, and you are wondering how that will affect the Lead field: Acquisition Program.   Issue Resolution If you delete a Marketo Program, the field will append a "deleted" at the end of the Program Name.   For example, if the Program Name was "July 2016 newsletter" for Acquisition Program, after deleting the Program, the field value would change to: "July 2016 newsletter  -  deleted (####)". The numbers represent an activity ID on the backend.   Note: Archiving Programs does not affect the Acquisition Program. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description A newly created Program is not showing up in Program Cost Analysis Report. Issue Resolution The Program Cost Analysis Report takes a little time to show new Programs that have just been created. It doesn't do much good to show a success metric before a program has had a chance to succeed so it needs time in order for data to be collected. If you don't see the program in the report within 48 hours, check these things: If there is a view filter in place The program is active and approved If all that looks good contact Support for additional troubleshooting.
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Issue Description You are utilizing Forms on Marketo Landing Pages, and want to run reporting on these forms.   Issue Resolution Currently the only asset reporting Marketo has is Email, and a little bit of Landing Page reporting. We would not have this ability to report on Forms.   One option would be to use Web Page reporting  -  this reported information would be limited to Marketo Pages with numbers of records who filled out the form, listed under "conversions." You could then create a Smart List to identify leads who have filled out these forms.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description Even though the report and smart list may be looking at exactly the same thing (e.g. an email sent to a specific group on a specific day), many times the numbers in the report do not match the results of the smart list. Issue Resolution Reports in Marketo like the Email Performance Report are returning results of activities that occurred in your instance, while smart lists return results of currently existing person records.  When a person is deleted or merged, the activities associated with the person do not get pruned or purged. So a smart list that looks for opened email will return all the currently existing records who have that open activity but will not return results of deleted or merged records.  Conversely, a report looking at the same thing will return all activities, even if the records no longer exist.
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Issue Description You are considering archiving or deleting old programs, and you are wondering how that will affect reporting on membership of leads.   Issue Resolution If you delete a Marketo Program, the membership data will be lost. Technically, in the Lead record Activity Log, there will not be an activity for "no longer in program," but any and all reporting will not be able to report from deleted programs.  Keep in mind that Marketo Support cannot restore deleted programs.   Archiving Programs keeps program membership data. This means that Analytics reporting, including Revenue Explorer, will be able to see archived programs and the related data. However, smart lists will no longer be able to reference the archived program. For example, say the smart list was: "Member of Program, program is [name]". In this situation, the smart list wouldn't be able to locate the program. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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You can now build reports that show you A/B test data. Here we go! 1.   Launch Revenue Explorer. 2.   Click New Report. 3.   Select the Email Analysis area and click OK. 4.   Find and right click Program Channel, then click Filter. 5.   Find and add Email Send or Email Blast, then click OK. 6.   Double click the Program Channel yellow dot to add it as a column. 7.   Double click the Program Name (yellow dot) 8.   Double Click Email Name (yellow dot) 9.   Double click Opened (blue dot) And that's all she wrote! Check out your awesome report. See how you can see which subject line worked best? Depending on what type of A/B test was done, you can see Subject Line, From Address, Send Time and Whole Email data appended in the Email Name. Deep Dive: Reporting / Revenue Cycle Analytics
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