Would love to see the wait step M-F functionality extended a bit to better support our no lead left behind process. To summarize, want an easy way to send alerts to management during business hours.
Use CaseRight now, reps have 1 day to review open leads. We have Open lead alerts sent to sales management using the Mon-Fri 1-day wait step with a time of 8am.This M-F wait step alert is great as it prevents alerts from hit management on weekends and late at night when no one can address it.
The DrawbacksThe downside is all alerts are sent out at 8am daily rather than 1 business day. So if a lead becomes open at 2pm on a Weds, the alert isn't sent until 8am on Friday because of the way the wait step is structured (Wait 1 day and then send at 8am the next business day)
Proposed IdeaWhat I'd like to see is a Wait step of Mon-Fri Beween X and Y. That would allow the alert to hit at 2pm on the Thursday when it should hit. In simple terms, send the alerts anytime Mon-Friday as long as it's in indicated business hours---otherwise, wait until the next business day and send at 8am.