Wait Step During Business Hours

Wait Step During Business Hours

Would love to see the wait step M-F functionality extended a bit to better support our no lead left behind process. To summarize, want an easy way to send alerts to management during business hours.

Use Case
Right now, reps have 1 day to review open leads. We have Open lead alerts sent to sales management using the Mon-Fri 1-day wait step with a time of 8am.This M-F wait step alert is great as it prevents alerts from hit management on weekends and late at night when no one can address it.

The Drawbacks
The downside is all alerts are sent out at 8am daily rather than 1 business day. So if a lead becomes open at 2pm on a Weds, the alert isn't sent until 8am on Friday because of the way the wait step is structured (Wait 1 day and then send at 8am the next business day)

Proposed Idea
What I'd like to see is a Wait step of Mon-Fri Beween X and Y. That would allow the alert to hit at 2pm on the Thursday when it should hit. In simple terms, send the alerts anytime Mon-Friday as long as it's in indicated business hours---otherwise, wait until the next business day and send at 8am.

Level 10
this is needed!
Not applicable
This would be massive... So annoying either not denoting a time or having everything go at once. Especially when we use the wait until steps to send out automated responses to contact forms.
Not applicable
Yes x1000. I still can't believe this isn't available. If I get a demo request, I should be able to trigger a reply within 10-15 minutes but also specify that it only goes out between 8am and 6pm. Setting a wait step at 8am and making a new lead at 10am wait 22 hours is bonkers.
Level 5
Agreed with all comments. 

Until Marketo hopefully addresses this 100%, it would be nice if they would quickly add to the "must end on" drop-down the option of "Tuesday thru Friday" to help deal with leads that come in on weekends.


SLA's for weekend leads:
If you have a 1 day SLA on working certain types of new leads, and a web lead comes in Saturday, and you have a wait step of 1 day and must end on Mon - Fri at 10 AM, the rep really only had 2 business hours to work the lead (Monday, between 8 am and 10 am). If they don't get to it right away on Monday morning, they get SLA infraction which isn't really fair. They didn't get the full 1 day.

If there was a Tues-Friday option on the must end on drop-down, this seems like it would not solve the dilemma, but certainly improve it. This would give the rep a full business day (Monday) to start working weekend leads before getting hit with infraction.
Not applicable

Hi Ari,

Have you found a work-a-round for this in the meantime?



Level 5

Hi Gina,

I have not found a workaround.



Not applicable

Yes please!!!!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas