View of Import Queue and Import Status

View of Import Queue and Import Status

Often we need to import a series of different lists, we would like a view with the following to the lead database.

1. List of all imports with the name of the file, date and time, and results (leads updated and new leads).
2. For in process imports, a status (i.e. in process, importing, completed).

Some imports don't work, so it would be ideal to get a status message back on what is the cause (i.e field format, etc).
Not applicable
Just to clarify, aren't you getting an error message (and file) back when it fails up in the top right that you can download and use to fix it?
Level 4
No, I am not getting an error.

My idea is really in cases wherein you have multiple uploads underway.  I know you can click on the individual list to look at the history, but it is not helpful when you are looking at the system overall. 

Ideally, it would provide a listing of all imports under an adjustable time period as well as the ability to view the individual history.
Not applicable
What overall issue are you trying to solve? Is the issue about bad lists not finishing their importing or wanting more oversight into what is happening? (or something else?)
Level 4
Both, looking for bad lists and/or long upload times.  Over the weekend, small lists were taking a few hours to complete. 

Additionally, it would be handy for overall management.  At one point this weekend, I thought the import was broken, when it fact it was just extremely slow. 

Finally, we work in a team fashion and this would help any dupilcate work.
Not applicable
For the slow ones, it would be good to reach out to support. We've really sped up this part of the system, so if it's having trouble we've got something we need to fix.
Level 4
Yes, I did submit a case as it was unusual which trigger my idea in that I could not quickly see the statuses without going to the individual lists.  
Not applicable
OK, great. I see.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Level 4

Anyone who liked this idea may be interested in this related but slightly more robust idea!