Use Tokens in Embedded Marketo Forms

Use Tokens in Embedded Marketo Forms

We often use tokens in our Marketo forms to make it easy to update things like legal disclaimers and field labels. However, the tokens only work when a Marketo form is used on a Marketo LP, not when a Marketo form is embedded on a 3rd-party page. We'd love for tokens to work and adopt the token values of the program the form lives in in Marketo. There are also system tokens like a date/time timestamp that don't work in embedded forms.

Level 10

That would suppose 2 things:

  • That the forms are stored in programs, so that they can inherit from {{my. tokens, which is not recommended (it's more efficient for maintenance purpose to store forms in the design studio)
  • That the Marketo data can be published to a third party web site, which would cause some data security issues, exactly as form prefill would.

So this is not really possible.


Level 10

Just noting from a technical point of view on top of all of this that Marketo forms and tokens don't necessarily play well together even in Marketo environments; for example, I've set up forms in the past that dynamically change via {{my.tokens}} for rolling picklist values, and this renders the form extremely difficult to edit in the form editor due to how forms themselves are composed. Such a rework would require the forms themselves be redone from the ground up in order to not cause such issues.

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Status changed to: Open Ideas