Show Value of Lookup Fields NOT GUID for Dynamics CRM Integration


Show Value of Lookup Fields NOT GUID for Dynamics CRM Integration

This seems like a no brainer, as it adds no value to the Marketing team to see the GUID of all the synced Lookup fields from the Dynamics CRM integration with CRM.

So, to see an actual value, well, it makes 100% difference in the product.

Level 3

Bump on this - again with the strategic alliance with Adobe and Msft we should see way more integration on D365, and with Adobe moving to D365.. 

Level 1

We had to go with a custom integration and work with a middleware, Vertify, which can pass data properly and provider triggers off marketo custom objects. Marketo native integration was sold to us as it could do everything. Surprise, it did very little. If you can, I recommend discussing with your team about implementing a middleware (thumbs up to Vertify for being amazing) to help you get the data you need into Marketo as you want to see it.

Level 3

thanks @Ecary  - yes its frustrating that Adobe/Marketo pitch the native integrators as perfectly workable and yet they have so many issues (the powerbi one was even withdrawn from availability!) - Vertify have been great when i've talked to them before - hadnt thought on integration tho - its certainly something i'll consider with fivetran/matillion etc. from a data integration perspective! 

Level 1

Any status on this? We need this big time to get the most out of our integration. 

Level 1

Has there been no movement on this in 5 years?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

It's beyond me why this still has not been implemented. A design flaw in my humble opinion.

Level 3

Bump - Microsoft/adobe strategic alliance.... 

Level 1

What's the timeline usually for things like this? There seem to be little or no change .. 

Level 2

Any ETA?

Level 3

This is such a beneficial piece I'm surprised we're still struggling after 7 years...