Show Value of Lookup Fields NOT GUID for Dynamics CRM Integration

Show Value of Lookup Fields NOT GUID for Dynamics CRM Integration

This seems like a no brainer, as it adds no value to the Marketing team to see the GUID of all the synced Lookup fields from the Dynamics CRM integration with CRM.

So, to see an actual value, well, it makes 100% difference in the product.

Level 1

Huge need for us as well. ETA, Marketo???

Not applicable

Huge need for us as well. ETA, Marketo???

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Not sure when this was marked as "working on it" (I suspect it was on or before April 20, 2016, since that's the last update date), but can we get an ETA on when this capability will be available?

Justin Cooperman​ - who is the PM for this?

Level 10

Paul Wilson​,

Now you are on the other side of the window any insight on this ?


Not applicable

This would be so beneficial for us to really keep the fields in sync so much more easily!

Any ETA on this Marketo?

Level 1

Just chiming in, we absolutely need this too.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Under review
Level 1

when will this be available ?

Level 1

So um... has this really been 4 years in the making to implement? Come on now Marketo! 😭

Level 2

Any update on this?  What a miss on integration requirements!