Revenue Explorer Report email variable width columns


Revenue Explorer Report email variable width columns

The RCE reports are great but the data presented in the body of the email is truncated and unreadable.

Marketo support indicates that the columns are fixed and that you can not disable the body (I was thinking this could force the users to use the attached Excel file only.)

As you can see in the example below the data is unintelligble and the links actually point to the incomplete URL. There should be a way to allow the width of the columns to expand so the user is not presented with an email body that has truncated data that is impossible to understand.


Level 10 - Community Moderator
But why would you care abo -- just kidding, great idea!
Not applicable
Hi Brian,

Thanks for posting and great Idea.  Makes sense, and I agree with the need.

Challenge is that there is much less level of interactivity possible (or support cross email client) with HTML-based emails.  Things like moveable column widths does fall under the category of not really supported by many/most email clients.

If you had to pick between one of the following two options, which would be preferrable? 

1) maximimze width of columns so that there is no field value cropping
2) add support for tooltips with full value in cases where a field value is cropped

Brian Theodore
Director of Product Management, Analytics
Not applicable
Brian D - I agree completely.

Brian T - what is the reason RCA report emails do not have the same functionality here as Analytics email reports? Without movable column widths or tooltips, simplay a larger column width for Links and multi-line cells, reports from the Analytics module when emailed show the full, clickable URL without truncation.

It seems that RCA reports, when emailed, take a big step backwards in usability - something I wouldn't have expected from a company focussed on superior results from email.
Level 1
Yes, this is something I would expect to have for the users to view the Clicks/Peformance on a regular basis through RCA Scheduling.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
@Paul, this is probably due to the fact the RCE was an acquired product by Marketo and not developed from the ground up.  I think the community (and Marketo) agrees that RCE could use a significant overhaul to make it more usable and appear more integrated into the core platform.  Here's a great idea to vote up:
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it