Mass Period Cost Update Functionality


Mass Period Cost Update Functionality

Every month my team and I complete the long, painstaking task of manually entering the past month's period costs into our individual programs.

As users, we would like to click on a button called, "Enter Period Costs" and be directed to a feature that would allow us to submit all our monthly period costs for our programs in one place at the same time. That feature would allow us to pull programs by a "Product Tag" filter (or any tag filters for that matter) and we would select the month we would be entering the costs for. Once the filter is in place we as users would see a list of all programs under that product tag with blank form fields next to each one (unless period costs had been previously populated then those numbers would show). Once we filled out any or all period costs we could then hit a submission button and all costs entered would be updated in their respective programs at once. Please note that some programs may be NA for the month so there would need to be an option to ignore certain programs if necessary.

This would make us VERY happy customers,


Level 9 - Champion Alumni

We have a very similar issue with our Online Ad programs. Take our Adwords program for example. We have 7 regional programs (nurture so they're easy to clone but irrelevant), all which have 4 programs within (Brand, Generic, RMKT, Non-RMKT). That gets us to 28 programs that require a period cost in MKTO on a monthly basis. At this point, our online ads guy doesn;t even put in the costs because it is so time consuming and would rather just calculate ROI in excel.

Maybe MKTO could enable this via Import, meaning each program could have a unique ID and you would have to follow an import format to ensure your costs are attributed to the correct months/year.

Great idea though!

Level 10

It will be great if we can add Period Costs to folders like Tags and have them cascade will help with this challenge.

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

That is a great idea Ed Masson​! Only trick is you would need some functionality to allocate percentages of the folder cost to the programs beneath it. Would definitely make program costs easier to attribute.

Level 2

I just discovered a scary inconvenience where... if someone decides to edit the Actual Cost in SFDC, then Marketo will not update the Actual Cost field at all until you:

1) NULL the SFDC field

2) Clear out all Period Costs in the Program

3) Re-Add all Period Costs into the Program

Luckily I was only testing with a handful of campaigns, but can you imagine if someone accidentally mass edits your SFDC Campaigns? It would be nice to have a way to force refresh/sync from Marketo-->SFDC, instead of removing and re-adding all costs.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas