Import My Tokens


Import My Tokens

It will be nice feature if i can import my Tokens to a program.

Right now i need to create 237 difrent my tokens to standalize country how the set up are on the local costumer.

There is a alot of difrent Cases where i want to import some difrent Tokens. to a program there is very local to that program only.

Not applicable
I was just thinking the same thing, we have a newsletter that is compiled almost completely of tokens that our editorial staff has to copy and paste individual.

It would be wonderful to have the ability to upload the tokens and map the fields.
Not applicable
Think this is a very important Feature. 

It will be a way to standalize alot of work flow for many marketigers. Also when you get starterted or need to Correct alot of data. 

Not applicable
Not applicable
Typically, if I have to create a new program that would need identical tokens from a previous program, I just clone it then delete the ones I don't need.
Not applicable
I'm Creating program Cross Account. So i cant Clone a program to another Account but i maybe have some of the same Logic.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas