Hide archived programs/folders from navigation tree

Hide archived programs/folders from navigation tree

We've been using Marketo for at least 2 years now so we have a lot of assets and programs. I'd like the ability to hide those that I turn into archives so they don't show up in the navigation tree unless they appear in search results. This would keep the navigation tree only showing active programs and declutter it. The only benefit I can see of archiving at the moment is tha the color changes!
Not applicable
Think of archived folders as a file cabinet.

- It helps you to de clutter your tree and organize old items inside it. 
- If you minimize the archived folder once, then the items underneath that folder will not show up in the results anymore.
- During your tree search if there are any items that match your search under the archived folder only the archived folder will show up without expanding the items under it.

True, archive folders do not hide items completely from the tree as you want. But, are supposed to hide assets from searches.
Level 10
I have to agree with Alisa on this one.  We haven't been using it as long as she has but we have so many programs and it would be nice to hide it.  I've archived some folders but it still would be easier to see everything on our tree if we can hide some programs we don't need anymore. 
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it