Heat Map / Click-Through Reports

Heat Map / Click-Through Reports

As a former Silverpop user, I was spoiled with their heat-map reporting of click-throughs that made it VERY easy for our team to identify clicks on specific parts of a newsletter visually. With Marketo, we have to run a report on clicks and this process is cumbersome and often takes a significant amount of time when trying to run a report.

Below is a snapshot of what Silverpop/IBM heat map shows:


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Many self-serve email service providers have this as well (like Campaign Monitor) and email testing tools (like Email On Acid😞


Level 4

Yeah - also I think something like this would be good for Landing Pages too. While you can (sort-of) rely on Google Analytics sometimes for this, a straight up click-through report for a given landing page would also be very useful!

Not applicable

We like this, and have some internal prototypes around this, but we're not ready to launch this yet.  On my radar for sure, thanks for all the votes!

Brian Theodore

Director of Product Management, Analtyics

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Remember that Email Link Perf can help with this if you look at the data and map it on your email.

While this can help test designs and copy to some degree, please remember email and landing pages are well tested on basic responses that apply to everyone and if you keep your designs in line with the principles, you should get good results regardless. The heatmap only reflects your design.

Not applicable

Thanks for your answers I'm gonnna look for emailonacid,

Level 3

Just did a demo with Pardot, and they have this feature. I've worked with MailChimp, and it also has this feature. Using the link performance report and mapping it back to the email/landing page to present for reporting is a lot more work.

Level 6

any update on this feature? My VP just asked for this report and I would love to give it to him but manually doing the map is a pain and how do I know  if I used the same link int multiple places. How does Pardot do this?

Level 1

Eagerly waiting this feature too

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

If you have RCE, you can do something like this or do it manually using the Email Link Perf chart.

Yes, it'd be great to get a visual, but it's been 10 years and still not on roadmap.

Level 4

Marketo, Please Please Please add this feature to your dev roadmap. This is so common to all the other small/medium/large email services. Marketers are always visual and enjoy using heatmap to their reports. It embarrasses me as an internal Marketo trainer that I have to constantly tell the new Marketo users "No, there is no email heat map available." Then hear the response like this "Aw! We used to have it with XXX email tool."  The worse part is that this answer has remained the same for YEARS.