Define Acquisition Program for new members manually added to a program

Define Acquisition Program for new members manually added to a program

While most of our marketing activities are executed out of Marketo, there are quite a few where Marketo wasn't used to do the initial outreach.  In-person events are a good example.  When we have an event where Marketo was NOT used to send out invites, collect registrants, etc., it's still important for us to capture those that ATTENDED the event in Marketo.  What we do is create a new event program and manually upoad the list as members (some of them may be new leads - in which Marketo automatically assigns the acquisition program to that lead) and change their program status to "Attended".  For those leads that already exist in Marketo, where Acquisition Program is empty, it would be useful for Marketo to prompt for the Acquisition Program name in Step #3 of the "import members" 3-step process (similar to step #3 of the import list process) - but with a checkbox that says "where acquisition program is empty".  Currently it just prompts you for the Member Status.  This forces us to have to manually create a batch campaign to define the acquisition program (if it's empty).


Level 7
We must have different editions of Marketo because I have different options on Step 3 - and Member Status is not one of them. My options are Revenue Stage and Acquisition Program - and I also have the name of the list at the top of the window. 

We're running Enterprise Edition here.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Amy, you're referring to the "list import" process.  I have the same thing at step 3.  What I'm referring to is manually importing members into a program (using the "import members" link within the Members tab of a program):


We too have the enterprise edition of Marketo.
Level 7
I see. 🙂 I don't think I've ever used that button! Since those options are missing, you'd think it would automatically attribute the program as the acquistion program then - but it would be nice to be able to make a choice. 
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
After doing some further testing and investigating, I can confirm that Marketo does automatically add the Acquisition Program for those leads that are new to the system.  In my case above, all of the leads were already in the system from a prior list import.  Yet I would still like to keep this idea active.  But slightly modify the request to allow you to define the acquisition program if the acquisition program is blank (which is the case when we upload lists).  We don't want to define program acquisition until the lead has demonstrated some level of behavior/engagement within a program.  And a list import certainly wouldn't qualify.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it