Ability to use custom fonts in forms

Ability to use custom fonts in forms

Hello Marketo -

I find it unfair and unappealing that I can't use my company's preferred fonts in your forms and I'm subject to the small handful of fonts you allow.  I've tried modifying .mktoLabel and .mktoForm in your Custom CSS tool but it's overridden by the style tag that's placed when the form is rendered on your landing pages.

I would like to be able to load my company's preferred font and use it in the landing page editor and form editor.

Level 10 - Community Moderator
Marketo Employee

Yes, works if you use the API but I am suggesting this for people who use the native form editor. I tried numerous ways from the form editor and couldn't get it to work. Because I have so many landing pages of different sizes, many with specially created forms, I'm not comfortable making the change at the template level and bulk-approving hundreds of landing pages with the hope that it doesn't throw things off for any of them.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

I didn't use any API methods... it's just in a separate <style>. I find this easier than trying to use the "Custom CSS" which can't be shared among forms. You can easily constrain the style to only apply to specific #formid1, #formid2.

Here it is all in Form Editor, if you insist: https://codepen.io/figureone/pen/e0080cf719d42cc1515b2d55324240d9

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