Ability to share views with other users

Ability to share views with other users

I've created a number of custom views for lead lists, and it'd be great if I could share these views with my team. There should be an option to make your views shareable to the rest of your team, but not editable by anyone other than the view owner. Sharing views would be epecially great for those who are new to Marketo!
Level 7
Yes - I was just creating a new idea for this myself.  I hope this is a release we see soon.
Not applicable
We're configuring views in MSI and would really like this capability. Who do we bribe???
Level 3
Totaly agree. I will be very useful to be able to share our Views with other users we choose.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Level 3

Hi all,


Is this feature still not available. As I also would like to share the list view with someone.

Is there any plan for this feature in Marketo?


Kind Regards,


Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

@kh-lschutte  Any update on this feature?

With new users joining our instance it would be great to be able to share some of my most used views rather than screen sharing and adding column by column to match so we have consistent views especially in regions but also have some Global templates.


As we have global email, forms and program templates it would be great to have View templates