Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Marketo Employee

FAQs of Dynamic Chat

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Hello Marketo Nation!


We have been presenting Dynamic Chat at various forums and it's exciting to see the responses and comments from our customers. We had an awesome Dynamic Chat MUG session last week and we have received a lot of interesting questions from our customers. I felt all these questions will be super useful to everyone and I should share them broadly. Please find the FAQs below:


Installation and Setup


Is this an add-on feature?

> Dynamic Chat is new marketing available to all customers at no additional cost.


Can I use Dynamic Chat on Marketo Landing Pages?

> Absolutely!


Can I use Dynamic Chat beyond Marketo Landing pages?

> You can install Dynamic Chat chatbot on any HTML-based web page.


Can I use Dynamic Chat for multiple domains?

> Yes! There is no restriction on the number of domains where you want to deploy the chatbot.


Is Dynamic Chat mobile compatible?

> Yes! Dynamic Chat is optimized for mobile screens


Can you time the chat so that it appears after the user spent a specific amount of time on the page but hasn't taken an action?

> Absolutely. You can use Events to trigger the bot based on Time on Page or Time on Site


For the chatbot icon, could you add a custom image/icon to it?

> We have that in the roadmap and want to deliver that at the earliest possible


How does Dynamic Chat work with our Content Policy Service?

> If your site utilizes a Content Security Policy, you may need to whitelist the following URLs for the chatbot to work as expected:

  • *
  • *
  • *


How is consent for data capture managed from Chat?

> We have seen customers addressing two ways:

  • If permission to store cookies is not accepted by the visitors even though the visitor interacts with the chatbot no information is stored
  • While creating a dialogue for unknown leads you can have a question added requesting consent


Where does the privacy policy appear once a URL is entered?


> The privacy policy shows up as a hyperlink at the bottom of the chatbot.




When you click on Meetings, it shows a list of meetings scheduled and they say Completed. How does the system deem it completed? Is the calendar invite accepted by the sales team member?

> A meeting shows as “Completed” if the scheduled date/time of the meeting is in the past.


Is Adobe PDF Embed API an extra cost? (Document Card) If so, what is the cost? (And separately, is Perficient able to obtain a free license to test and put together demos for clients?)


> The Embed API integration is free. See here for more info



There is only one Javascript code to paste in for the entire instance. So, to customize for different audiences – one would need to build out several Dialogues (aka segments). For example, a dialogue for Known Customers and a dialogue for Unknown Customers, would the chatbot correctly display each time based on information in Marketo?

Correct. There is only one Javascript snippet for the Dynamic Chat instance and you would build different Dialogues for different audiences and use cases




For a landing page’s stream URL, can you set it up to work as a wildcard? For example, we wanted to know if you could set the URL to appear on ANY domain page rather than specific page URLs. Or would you need to add all possibilities? Is there a limit on how many URLs?

Yes, you can add * to the URL as a wildcard, e.g.* would show the Dialogue on all subpages of the website




Attributes in Dynamic Chat: Can select up to 50 to sync back and forth with Marketo. What if the Marketo instance has 400 custom fields? How does Dynamic Chat know what is possible to select? Which takes priority? How does Dynamic Chat know what to recommend for mapping?


> You can see all of the Marketo fields from the connected Marketo instance, but you can only sync 50. So if the Marketo instance has 400 custom fields, you would be able to see all 400 in Dynamic Chat, but you’d only be able to select up to 50 to sync. Selection is done manually.



If the dialogue is posted to a webpage with a slow load time, how is Dynamic Chat affected? Is the page affected further?

Dynamic Chat shouldn’t have any effect on page load as it is loaded after the initial page load



Is there a recommendation for how to connect the Dynamic Chat dialogue to a CTA on a webpage? For example, Luma Marketing uses another chatbot to say “Click here to initiate a chat.”

There is not a way to do this today, but we have this functionality on our roadmap



When a user enters their email in the dialogue (Information Capture), is there a way for Dynamic Chat or Marketo to do real-time email validation? Or, what API solution might the Dynamic Chat team recommend?



Dynamic Chat does have field validation to ensure that the visitor is entering a valid email address format, but there is no address validation beyond that today.



Marketo Integration


How will the Dynamic Chat mapping to the Marketo DB work if the DB contains dupe leads?

> Dynamic Chat uses munchkin cookies to identify and track a lead. Any information captured against a cookie of known lead will be pushed into Marketo in near real-time.


What kind of overhead is involved in keeping Marketo and Chat in sync with regard to Person data?

> Dynamic Chat will sync data from Marketo every 5-10mins and any new data captured to chatbot will be pushed into Marketo in near real-time. So, nothing at all! just a few clicks and you don't have to worry about the sync. 


Can I customize conversations differently for known leads in Marketo?

> Using target audience criteria, you can target different persona and create a personalized dialogue stream.


Core features


Is there an out-of-box default or recommended template or instance of Dynamic Chat for common use cases such as for driving event registrations that we can customize?

> Yes, there are dialogue templates in the dialogue creation flow that can help you quickly get started.


Does Dynamic Chat have a Live Chat feature at this time or will that be added to the roadmap?

> The current version of Dynamic Chat doesn't have live chat or agent chat. Yes, we do have it in our roadmap.


If the page gets refreshed, does the dialogue starts over, or does it stays where the person left it off?

> If the visitor initiates the conversation with Chatbot then the dialogue will continue after a refresh or moved to a different page.


What document types you can share through chat?

> The Document card can only be used to share PDFs at this time.


How is the Sales Rep selection for meeting booking work?

> Currently, it's based on a round-robin. We soon plan to launch advance routing rules where you can define a persona and assign sales reps.


How many dialogues can I create?

> Here is a list of limitations




Is Dynamic Chat integrated with Salesforce?

> Dynamic Chat is to be considered as a feature in Marketo. So, any information captured through the chatbot will be in Marketo, which can be pushed into any third-party platform from Marketo


Are there any recordings available?

> Here is a link to video tutorials.


How do I request access to Dynamic Chat?

> Please reachout to your CSM requesting access to Dynamic Chat. If you face any concerns related to Dynamic Chat access or features, please write to us at


Where can we find a release schedule to better understand when to add to our development roadmaps?

> You can see them in Marketo Engage release notes -

Level 1

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Hi Sreekanth, is it possible to configure audiences for dynamic chat which are based on:

- Smart list membership

- List membership

- Program Membership

- Segmentation membership


I see that you can target based off of person and company attributes, but it would be awesome to also be able to define audiences based on the above.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Hi @Wyatt_C_Tucker, great question!


AFAIK, these are not yet available as direct filters for the dynamic chat audience, since these assets reside in the Marketo and Dynamic chat bi-directionally syncs only the selected attibutes with the Marketo, of course apart from sending the DC specific person activity data back to the Marketo. As of now, IMO the best you can do is to sync the relevant attributes to the DC, and use them in the respective dialogues' audience crietira directly to define the target audience (program and static list membership  would still not be possible to be referenced as a criteria though).


If possible, I too would love to see the ability to reference these filters directly in the dynamic chat. 🙂


Level 4

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat


How is consent for data capture managed from Chat?

> We have seen customers addressing two ways:

  • If permission to store cookies is not accepted by the visitors even though the visitor interacts with the chatbot no information is stored

What "permission to store cookies" are we talking about here specifically?

Marketo Employee

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Dynamic Chat use Munchkin Cookie itself, if you already use munchkin JS and show visitor popup to accept cookie policy then you are good with the same

Level 4

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Thank you Sreekanth for replying so quickly. One more question if I may - Dyn Chat doesn't use any other other / own cookies then? Only Munchkin?

Marketo Employee

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Correct, only Munchkin

Level 7 - Community Advisor

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Thank you for putting it forward. It makes easy to explain the broad use of DC to clients.

Level 1

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Can I manage the dynamic chat for mobile users? For example, how can I do that if I have to turn off the dynamic chat for mobile users?


Marketo Employee

Re: FAQs of Dynamic Chat

Not right now but we did get this feedback and we plan to address this. Thank you