Omni-Channel Marketing and You: What OCM looks like in Marketo

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

*Omni-Channel Marketing*


*Direct Mail*

*Multi-Channel Outreach*




*Enter your favorite marketing buzzword here*

You've heard it all. You're bought into the concepts. You're creative team has an abundance of captivating ideas, and you're responsible for executing a flawless orchestrated multi-channel campaign. Maybe it's a nurture stream that incorporates direct mail. Perhaps it's an ABM program that combines display ads with coordinated sales outreach. Or maybe your team wants to streamline siloed marketing channels and you're looking for the right place to get started. Whatever the situation is, hopefully our experience can help! Although we now use an OCM strategy to reach almost all branches of our qualified database (target accounts, our awesome customers, general nurture, the list goes on and on...), the initial project started out as an ABM initiative. Here's what happened.

Our Goal

To deliver a omni-channel experience to leads at our target accounts in a positive, engaging campaign to drive revenue through delightful experiences and super awesome helpful content.

Our Strategy

  1. Determine the buying center for our solution at our top 8 target accounts and collect accurate company- and contact- level information
  2. Craft an outbound strategy specifically designed to engage the leads/accounts in our target list (market to the company, but engage with the individual)
  3. Develop a smarketing campaign that incorporated digital (marketing emails with persona-relevant content, display ads, web personalization, ad retargeting, and personalized email outreach from our SDRs), direct mail, and (when the time is right) SDR phone calls


For a campaign this complex, we needed to harness the power of the technology at hand. Having a bunch of different disconnect systems didn't cut it. Because it allows us to nest programs and schedule regular casts, we decided to utilize engagement programs to coordinate all our different channels. Here's a simple example:


In this case, we start out with a week's worth of online warmup and brand awareness. The first program adds leads in our target account list to various RTP groupings depending on industry (members of the program automatically qualify and are segmented within the RTP platform by industry).  It also adds them to a list which we use for re-targeting with Terminus and AdBridge (note that you can use your integration with Salesforce to accomplish the Terminus portion as well).

Next, we send a marketing email that relies on dynamic content to deliver persona-based content to each lead in the program. It's good to note also that we try to target leads in the buying center such that they don't receive the same content as everyone else in their office - that's not a true personalized experience.

Third, we leverage our own solution to trigger a personalized direct mail piece with consistent messaging and design. When this piece is delivered, a task is created for an SDR to follow up on the package.


Another email is sent with dynamic content based on lifecycle status (MCL vs MEL vs MQL, and SQLs/Opportunities are no longer in the campaign at this point).

Finally, all leads at engaged organizations are synced to CRM for outreach from our SDR team. Leads from unengaged organizations are transitioned to a separate engagement program where they are nurtured until they MQL. Next on our list: develop an account-based strategy for nurturing & qualifying target accounts once they fall into the second engagement program. A target account is a target account after all!


  1. Don't skimp out on the technology. The most important factor to success (from the ops side of the house) is having the systems communicating effectively with one another. After all, what use is good, hard-earned data if you can't use it?
  2. Coordinate with sales. If marketing's goal is to generate pipeline/revenue, then sales must be on board for a successful handoff.
  3. Have fun with it! Be creative in your use of your MarTech stack. If you can dream it, you can probably do it!

Oh, and did I mention the 200% lift in engagement when we integrated these technologies? #booYEAH

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

excellent post Rachel Noble​ ! Love the personalized touch at the end.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Why is there a tracking pixel in your post, Alvin?

Not applicable

Hi Rachael,

Great post. I have a question regarding tracking. How are you capturing the SDR activity when they are integrated in the campaign? For instance if they make a call, or send a follow-up email within the program, how is that tracked within the program? Are they sending emails from outlook, salesforce, or marketo templates within Salesforce?

We are on the verge of adding in our SDRs to our programs. We use marketo, and salesforce, and in the future will be moving to ABM, but for now I am interested in finding out best practices for integrating SDRs into the mix.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Hi Allison,

Great question! We don't use Salesforce, but we have a home-grown CRM that we've integrated with Marketo. When our SDRs email/call prospects, the API sends a custom activity to Marketo's activity log based on the type of communication. We trigger campaigns off these activities (mostly just adding leads to lists, etc for tracking), but we do most of the higher-level reporting (SQLs and up) in the CRM.

It works great because Marketo allows us to send alerts to SDRs letting them know it's time to start outreach, and then we can use the custom activities to track whether the leads were followed up with properly. We have a rockstar SDR team here and they rarely need the reminders, but it certainly helps us on the Ops end with reporting, etc.

Hope this helps!


Not applicable

Hi Rachel,

Thank you, this is very helpful!



Level 1

Rachel Noble! This is great! I have a couple of questions if you are still open to talking?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Happy to chat! I believe my email address is in my community profile, feel free to shoot me a message!

Level 1

Rachel, I am sorry, I am not seeing your email address (I'm sure user-error ). Would you mind reaching out to me?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

No problem, I'll reach out!

On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 10:24 AM Brooke Braun <>