Marketo Engage instance merging or migration: what it takes to move houses

Level 4 - Champion Level 4 - Champion
Level 4 - Champion

Last updated date: June 16, 2024


Marketo Engage instance merging or migration: what it takes to move houses 🏘


Have you ever thought about what it takes to move Marketo Engage houses? Do you call the movers first? Pack first, then call? Do you need movers at all? Dive into this analogy with a few Adobe Marketo Engage Champions; @Kimberly_Galit1 and @Jessica_Kao3, and listen to their discussion around Instance Merging/Migration.


Whether you acquired a company or for other reasons are merging or migrating your Marketo Engage instances, don’t let the ‘gotcha’s’ get you. 


A few topics highlighted in this discussion are:

  • How to tag people to be able to easily identify and segment them later, which with instance or “house” they came from
  • Global programs to watch out for any errors
  • Assets and programs to consider moving over, and the decisions around processes
  • Deduping logic!
  • Cut-over choreo; when is your D-Day and how to set up your deadlines accordingly, plus other things to consider for each milestone


Level 4 - Champion Alumni

This session you two did is golden! So many great tips and gotchas to look out for when merging houses.

Level 2

Hi all,


Could you please check the video? it is not accessible 😞 

Level 2

I also cannot see the video - can you repost?

Marketo Employee

@Svetlana and @webtina Thank you for flagging. The video is now up. Please comment in the thread for your questions, takeaways, and next steps.