Hope you are doing good. While using nested default program in marketo engagement stream you must have a smart campaign inside along with "Member of engagement program -> Name ...
Hi Shelley,
You cannot upload PDF for email. However, if you just want to show the PDF along with header and footer you can use image as an entire body instead of PDF(Take screen ...
Hi Jay,
I think there are some syntax errors. Just refer to earlier post, you'll get your answer.
Hi Megan,
For your first query: You can use transition rules or smart campaign to move from one stream to another. Use below filter in smart list
Email was sent -> email name
Yes you can import manually or use zapier or other 3rd party applications to setup automation in between Marketo and agency platform.
Make sure while mapping fields/uploading...
Although you have mentioned that you are sure it'll work. however, this token will work with live emails (Not in sample draft) and make sure program is connected with webinar ID.
You can create different -2 smart list and further use in Flow section with choice and wait.
Ex.. if member of smart list 1 - send email -> wait 1 week ->if member of smart list 2 ...
You must be having transition rules to flow leads from one stream to another stream.Means if you have smart list dependent on previous stream than I'll suggest you to go with smart...