Hey @SanfordWhiteman,
I wasn't able to understand how we can take care of the scenario using the solution you shared. Can you please elaborate here. As I believe sorting it date w...
We are migrating from SFMC to marketo and have synced all the objects & fields from SFDC to marketo.We have a field "StartDateTime" (Data Type - DateTime) which is a constraint und...
When we add a trigger "Opportunity is updated" having trigger attribute Type is 'Prospect', how does it works?
Case 1: Will it fire the campaign whenever the trigger attribute is u...
We created a task in Marketo to write back to Salesforce where a planner/owner is assigned a task but the field "Related to" as you can see in the screenshot below is empty.
Hey Sanford, Thanks for the solution.
I added ! in the script and it works.
#if( !$display.alt($lead.Lead_Owner_Email_Address,"").isEmpty() )
#userlandBase64_v3( $lead.Lead_Owner...
Hey Sanford, Thanks for the solution.
This solution works for the string/text Data Type but my attribute's Data Type is DateTime and its a constraint under Marketo activity. So us...
I want to trim the Date, time and timezone from single Attribute of the Marketo.
When I used static value it approves the email without error but when I am using Marketo Attri...
I want to Encode the Email address which is passes through URL to Non-Marketo Landing page.
I added below Email script in the my Tokens and used this token in the Email Templ...