Got it. Thanks Sanford!My confusion came from the fact that this option was not mentioned explicitly on (one part of) the documentation,Get Formsforms works like other Asset API br...
Hi@ilona_buteneers,thanks for your feedback. Just to clarify:2. Okay, if I understand this correctly, this could be super bad from a security point of view. Our id=1 workspace pair...
Hi@YuriHirohashi,thanks for the feedback! Just to clarify:2. So it will be duplicates, but just not by your definition 🙂 *sigh* Sounds like we'd better not migrate the sandbox use...
Hi@Zoe_Forman,thanks for the feedback! Just to clarify:1. Are we on the 30 day countdown as soon as we receive the first email?3. Okay, the URL change is a good point to keep in mi...
What will be the trigger / kick-off for the process? Is someone going to contact us before the 30 days countdown starts to check if we are ready with SSO setup?Will sandbox and pro...