I feel that pain! It seems every Marketo customer would benefit from the system intelligently limiting one of our API users from taking up our entire API call limit... In our case ...
We have hit our "daily api quota" a couple of times and when this happens - all hell breaks loose. Simple integrations such as to a webinar tool, start to break, and then actual ca...
This would be GREAT. I think I've submitted a couple of support tickets that would have been solved just knowing which user either created or last updated a lead record.
As a company grows, you undoubtedly have more api only users being created. As these users start to access the API reading/writing/updating Marketo - this will have an impact on pe...
I also get frustrated by functionality that I think should work better but (at the time) just does not. Most of us marketo admins share that pain from time to time. I've discovered...
On a normal smartlist, you're able to add filters, then click on the Leads tab and see the results of the query (along with the fields that are in whatever view you have selected)....
Is there an existing Idea on Community where we can upvote the problem of Email Scripts not being accessible to the web view? Or is there another way to make custom object data vis...
This is a good idea - I've seen various deficiencies when using a "shared" workspace with other team-specific workspaces. The approach that you think would work when thinking about...
We use the data that we push into custom marketo fields for segmentation. Send me an email at luis.paez at blackbaud dot com and we can arrange a phone call if it's of interest.
So we just completed a reverse-DW approach with marketo consulting - in other words we are sending some legacy data points of our contacts into Marketo (by passing Salesforce). Are...