I think this screen is is best viewed on a large monitor, try opening the view in a new window:Looks like your segment is approved, you can not edit this unless it's a draft, creat...
Kate, if you have access to Marketo University, they have a class on Program Types, Channels And Tags, attached is what I'm using for Channels and Tags. I have other tags that are ...
These are explained here: Understanding System Managed Fields - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Original Source Type = The location a lead or website visitor was first discovered (Exam...
It sounds like the mktoColor is not connected to your CSS, you code should look as follows:<meta class="mktoColor" id="headerBG" mktoName="Header BG Color" default="#FFFFFF">.heade...
Marketo only has 1 folder structure per instance, you need to firstly upload all the sub folder files to Images and Files in the Design Studio. Then in the HTML file point the all ...
Emily, you can get this data via Smart Lists:Desktop OpensCreate a new Smart ListDrag in Opened EmailFor Email, select is anyPut a date range in (optional)Click Add Constraint and ...
A solution maybe:Add people who are in the engagement program to a static list and suppress that list from normal email sends, then setup a recurring batch campaign to remove peopl...
I don't think landing pages support 2 of the same form on the same page, if you want to have 2 forms, even if they are the same, it's best practice to clone the form and place each...
What the robots.txt is doing here is stopping the content of the PDF's to be searchable, without it, people could potentially find gated content through a normal web search. Or if ...