Thanks for the information, I find it slow generally, will certainly test it out at different time, though I tried at the weekend and it still slow, how do I know where my Marketo ...
Yes this is how I build it, I use the Email Program for the initial sends, then put my Landing Page, Thank You Page, Auto Responder in the main default program, like this:I just li...
The issue here is not with Marketo but the Meta Title of the PDF itself:See instructions here on how to fix: PDF properties and metadata, Adobe Acrobat DC
Yes these fonts are installed as normal out in each of the regions, if you use both the local spelling of the font and the english spelling, it will cover you in case the computer ...
You need to first Add a Rich Text Box to your form: Add a Rich Text to a Form - Marketo Docs - Product DocsThen change the labels to Above: Change Form Label Position - Marketo Doc...
Marketo's Munchkin and the Google Anaytics work well together and you shouldn't have any conflicts but a good front end developer could explain more. Marketo also supports Google A...
You can do this in 2 ways:- Create multiple Calendar Reminder tokens within the same program and link them as normal. - Get the ics file link, then add as a normal link, to do this...
Here's a great video from Marketo showing you how they use the calendar and how to get the most out of it: Introducing Marketo's Marketing Calendar - YouTube.