The issue you seem to be having is because colors are in variables, when you preview this in the browser outside of Marketo, it will just default to backup colour set by the browse...
Can you show the sample of your code? You need the following 3 things for it to work:<meta class="mktoColor" id="headerBG" mktoName="Header BG Color" default="#222222">.header{back...
This is a strange one, it looks like you are using the out of the box code slightly changed, which looks something like this:<p><font face="Verdana" size="1">If you no longer wish ...
We're at the early stages of Bizible and so far it looks great, we are using it more for the offline conversions/ppc part but the data we're getting is very powerful. They offer a ...
You could add in the Company Name as an additional filter:Company Name should match the name you are searching for, changing this field to contains may capture more people. Without...
I second that, what makes you think people are skipping this wait step, are you seeing that in the Results tab? The wait step looks fine, confusing to have another wait step below,...
Can you sent a screenshot (of the Flow)? The question isn't clear, why do you think they have skipped the wait step? Also in your campaign, when you click the following it should t...