Can you share the page url, it sounds like you have the footer set to display:none for desktop, which may be set in a Media Query, but without the code, it's hard to debug.
Great work Nicholas, I think Marketo use's TinyMCE as the WYSIWYG editor and I find that some bugs or settings can be traced to that. Another fix can be if you add a Text Tokens, i...
I found a solution that should work better, in the Campaign Inspector, click Export to Excel, give it a few mins to download. Once downloaded open up in Excel then press Ctrl + F (...
I think Marketo have done away with the prep exam and replaced it with paid webinar training, free until this years summit though, as per this page: Marketo Certified Expert Prep C...
I just looked at your code, can you try the following:Change<meta class="mktoNumber" id="freeTextSpacer" mktoname="Top Spacer" default="15" min="1" max="300" units="px" step="1" mk...
Welcome to the world email developing for different clients, MS Outlook for Mac and MS Outlook for PC are developed by different Microsoft teams and each render emails very differe...
I'm not able to replicate on my side, Email 2.0 is very buggy and bugs differ from instance to instance, it may be worth opening a support ticket to get Marketo to investigate.