Dan, I've tested a few different sources in the Source field and it was working for me, we don't get a dropdown list, but if you use "Registration Source Type" from the link I shar...
JD you are totally correct usually http://{{my.link}} would create a trackable link using a Text Token, but for your problem, you want to make sure the http:// or https:// is withi...
I have a possible solution for you here, if you tokenize the link, you can stop Marketo from adding tracking to it as it can't track links in Text Tokens.You code should look somet...
By default, the search is only set to Non Archived pages, to add Archived pages into the search, click Show Archived at the top of the page: Once clicked it will look like this:Onc...
Marketo also allows you to look up a URL in the Design Studio.In Design Studio, click on Landing Page:Then in the Quick Find..., input the URL and search, Marketo will return the L...
When you say you are cleaning up your data, are you deleting people? If not, are you changing the data so that it doesn't match the Smart List criteria in each Segment?
I think you can do this by using a negative filter:Replace field_name with the field you want to look for, if the field was updated in last 7 days, then people would not qualify. P...